  • 學位論文


Development of Hair and Saliva Screening For Drugs of Abuse

指導教授 : 林克亮


近年來,毛髮與唾液成為監測濫用藥物之新興生物檢體。然而,過去文獻中,針對毛髮及唾液中濫用藥物檢驗,大多使用技術性高、耗時、耗成本的氣相層析質譜儀確認檢驗方法。因此,毛髮及唾液檢驗相當適合發展靈敏、快速、方便及操作容易的初篩檢驗。 在本研究中使用均相酵素免疫分析法(EMIT)執行毛髮與唾液中常見的濫用藥物及其代謝物如:安非他命類藥物(安非他命、甲基安非他命、MDMA、MDA)、鴉片類藥物(嗎啡、可待因、海洛因)之初篩檢驗方法開發與探討。在毛髮初篩檢驗部份,以0.1M pH 7 phosphate buffer取出毛髮中濫用藥物;在唾液部分,則以0.1M pH 7.4 phosphate buffer 做2倍稀釋,直接以靈敏、方便、全自動化的酵素免疫分析儀Olympus AU600分析。 本研究不但探討毛髮與唾液中濫用藥物初篩檢驗之最佳化條件, 並建立方法之確效性,包括:檢量線建立、最低偵測極限及準確度與精密度評估…等,皆得到很好的結果。 最後,將38個真實檢體分別以EMIT法與 GC/MS兩種不同方法測定,並探討其相關性,各相關係數r值為AP:0.9731、MOR:0.9670、MDMA:0.9591。其次,藉由接收器操作指標(ROC)判斷初篩閾值,AP、MDMA閾值為500 pg/mg hair、MOR閾值為150 pg/mg hair。當初步篩檢值大於閾值時,才需要做更進一步確認分析,以利於迅速判斷出真實陽性與真實陰性檢體,除了可節省成本及提升檢驗時效性,更能增進濫用藥物檢測能力及廣度,提升濫用藥物檢測品質。達到本研究開發與探討毛髮與唾液中濫用藥物初篩檢驗方法之目的。


頭髮 唾液 濫用藥物


In recent years, hair and saliva have become a oncoming biological specimen for drug testing. However, hair and saliva analysis are usually conducted by using GC–MS after tedious sample preparation, which requires rather skilled sample handling and wastes a lot of time and cost. In this study, hair samples were directly extracted into 1M pH 7 phosphate buffer, and saliva samples were diluted 1 : 1 with 1M pH 7.4 phosphate buffer. The extract was assayed using an Olympus AU600. We used an enzyme multiplied immunoassay technique(EMIT) : a convenient、time-saving and fairly sensitive semiquantitative screening method to development screening for amphetamines (amphetamine, AP; methamphetamine, MA; methylenedioxyamphetamine, MDA; methylenedioxymethmphetamine, MDMA; methylenedioxy ethylamphetamine, MDEA) and opiates (morphine, MOR; codeine, COD; 6-acetylmorphine,6-AM) in human hair and saliva. An optimized procedure for screening was found, and the developed method was fully validated. Moreover, the correlation between the results of EMIT semiquantitative screening and the GC–MS determination evaluated for 38 possible drug users’ hair specimens was made. The correlation coefficiency of AP was 0.9731、MOR was 0.9670 and MDMA was 0.9591. The optimal cutoff concentration in screening was found by receiver operating characteristic(ROC)analysis to be AP、MDMA:500 pg/mg hair ; MOR:150 pg/mg hair. Although confirmation and quantitative analysis by GC–MS should be performed for every positive sample, this established semiquantitative EMIT screening method was found to be effective, especially for increasing the ability and extent of drug testing.


Hair Saliva Drugs of abuse


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