  • 學位論文


The Effects of Web-based Inquiry-based Learning with the Support of a Digital Humanities Research Platform on Learning Performance

指導教授 : 陳志銘


探究式學習為現代教育中常見的一種教學模式,探究式學習在過程中會激發學習者的學習興趣,透過實際操作或實驗研究,最終培養其獨立思考以及獨立解決問題的能力。根據我國教育部於108學年度正式實施的十二年國民基本教育課程綱要總綱,當中提到在歷史學科中,「歷史考察」可視為是一種探究式學習,歷史考察活動旨在引導學生進行閱讀與解析歷史資料,以提升學生的歷史思維。但此類型的課程在實施後也有許多執行上的問題需要解決,例如引導探究學習的方法不明確、缺乏歷史資料的分析運用等。而數位人文工具發展的主要目的之一即是幫助使用者分析並探查文本資料之脈絡,據此探索出在歷史文本中值得進一步研究的現象。因此,本研究發展高中歷史科課程探究學習模式,並使用具「觀點變遷與年代劃分工具」之「羅家倫先生文存數位人文平台」輔助學生進行探究學習活動,希望有助於學習者以不同的觀點以及視角了解欲探究之「歷史考察」問題,同時增進學習者對於歷史文本和脈絡的解讀與探究能力。 本研究採用單組前實驗研究設計法,選取臺北市某私立高中一年級一個班級共16名學生為研究對象,以具「觀點變遷與年代劃分工具」之「羅家倫先生文存數位人文平台」輔以歷史科探究式學習課程,探討學習者在課程前後之探究學習成效與學習動機是否有顯著的提升,以及調查學生的學習滿意度;此外,也探討不同性別以及不同認知風格之兩組學習者,在學習成效、學習動機以及學習滿意度上是否具有顯著差異。本研究並以半結構式訪談瞭解學習者對於使用此一數位人文平台進行歷史科探究式學習課程的感受與建議。最後,透過滯後序列分析(Lag Sequential Analysis, LSA)比較高低不同學習成效學生使用具「觀點變遷與年代劃分工具」之「羅家倫先生文存數位人文平台」輔以歷史科探究式學習課程之有效行為模式。 研究結果發現,使用具「觀點變遷與年代劃分工具」之「羅家倫先生文存數位人文平台」輔助歷史科探究式學習課程能有效促進整體學生、女性學生,以及場地獨立型與場地依賴型認知風格學生的學習成效;在學習動機部分,無論是整體學生、不同性別或是不同認知風格學生,其學習前的學習動機皆略高於學習後的學習動機,根據訪談資料顯示,可能是因為高中學生對於工具的使用以及分析結果的理解上仍有困難,而致使學習動機下降;而在學習滿意度上,學生無論性別或認知風格,皆呈現良好的學習滿意度,對此一學習模式均有正面肯定的態度。此外,根據滯後序列分析的結果,高學習成效學生在使用此一數位人文平台的行為模式較符合探究式學習的精神,意即高學習成效學生會反覆探索在「觀點變遷與年代劃分工具」觀點網路圖中不同時期的關鍵詞概念以及資料,以及主動去查看與關鍵詞相關聯的詞彙之文本資料,並在使用「羅家倫先生文存數位人文平台」時,也會去採用不同的檢索方式來探索文本,且會在探索的過程中依照自身的需求交換使用另一種數位人文工具的功能;而低學習成效學生的行為模式則是使用「觀點變遷與年代劃分工具」直接且單純的探索關鍵詞資料,並使用「羅家倫先生文存數位人文平台」搜尋以及補充閱讀與關鍵詞相關的全文,從行為模式來看並沒有充分使用這兩種數位人文工具的各項功能來進行學習。最後基於研究結果,本研究提出平台的改善建議,以及未來可行的研究方向。


Inquiry-Based Learning is a common instructional model in modern education that can stimulate learners' interest through practical operation or experimental research in the learning process, and eventually training the independent thinking and problem-solving skills. According to Curriculum Guidelines of 12-Year Basic Education in Taiwan, "historical investigation" can be regarded as an inquiry-based learning method in the subject of history, an activity of "historical investigation" can improve students' historical thinking skill by reading and analyzing historical materials. However, there're still many implementation problems in this type of activity remain, such as an approach of guiding inquiry is unclear, and the lack of text analysis and application. Assisting users to analyze and explore the context of text is one of the main purposes of digital humanities tool, we can explore further research via digital humanities tool. As a result, this research aims to develop an inquiry-based learning model in high school history curriculum, by using "Digital Humanities Research Platform for Mr. Lo Chia-Lun's Writings" with "Observation Tool of Viewpoint Migration and Age Division" to assist students in inquiry activities. Digital humanities tools in supporting inquiry-based learning model can help students find out the issue of "historical investigation" from different perspectives, improving the ability in interpreting and exploring the context of text. In this study, a one-group pre-experimental design was adopted, and 16 tenth-graders from one classes in high school in Taipei were selected as the research subjects to using "Digital Humanities Research Platform for Mr. Lo Chia-Lun's Writings" with "Observation Tool of Viewpoint Migration and Age Division" in supporting the inquiry-based learning approach in history curriculum, comparing the difference in students' learning performance, learning motivation, and learning satisfaction after history curriculum. In addition, with sex and cognitive style as background variables, the influences in students' learning performance, learning motivation, and learning satisfaction were also thoroughly explored. Semi-structured interview was utilized for understanding students' opinions and perception of using digital humanities tools in history curriculum. Finally, lag sequential analysis was used for observing students' behavior processes with different learning performance using digital humanities tools in history curriculum. The research results found that using "Digital Humanities Research Platform for Mr. Lo Chia-Lun's Writings" with "Observation Tool of Viewpoint Migration and Age Division" in supporting the inquiry-based learning approach in history curriculum could improve learning performance effectively for all students. As for students' learning motivation, it was slightly higher than after learning, according to interview results, the decline in learning motivation may be because students still have difficulties in the use of tools and don't understanding the results of analysis. On the other hand, all students showed a higher level of learning satisfaction. Moreover, lag sequential analysis revealed that behavioral patterns of students with better learning performance were more in line with the concept of inquiry-based learning, they used "Observation Tool of Viewpoint Migration and Age Division" to repeatedly explored the concepts of keyword in different phase, then read the related texts. Students with better learning performance also used different retrieval methods to explore the texts with "Digital Humanities Research Platform for Mr. Lo Chia-Lun's Writings". As for students with worst learning performance, their behavioral patterns were to explore the texts of keyword directly by using "Observation Tool of Viewpoint Migration and Age Division", then using "Digital Humanities Research Platform for Mr. Lo Chia-Lun's Writings" to collateral reading the texts related to keyword. Lastly, based on the research results, this study suggests that the improvement of "Digital Humanities Research Platform for Mr. Lo Chia-Lun's Writings" with "Observation Tool of Viewpoint Migration and Age Division", and providing some directions of topics for the research field in the future.


