  • 學位論文


A Study on the Relationship between the Public Preschool's Quality of Educational Facilities and Teacher’s Job Well-being in New Taipei City

指導教授 : 湯志民 林進山


本研究旨在瞭解新北市公立幼兒園設施品質與教師工作幸福感之現況,並分析不同背景變項之教師在知覺公立幼兒園設施品質與教師工作幸福感之差異,後續再深入探討兩者間的關係情形,藉由幼兒園設施品質對教師工作幸福感進行預測。 本研究採調查研究法,調查對象為新北市公立幼兒園教師,共計抽樣49園,發出430份問卷,回收353份問卷,有效問卷330份,可用率為93.7%,問卷為研究者自編之幼兒園設施品質量表及教師工作幸福感量表,量表經信效度檢驗,問卷收回分別進行描述性統計、因素分析、信效度分析、獨立樣本t檢定、單因子變異數分析、皮爾遜積差相關及逐步多元迴歸分析等統計方式,並獲結論如下: 一、新北市公立幼兒園設施品質為中高程度,以「舒適的活動室環境」之程度最高,「充實的教學設備」之程度最低。 二、新北市公立幼兒園教師工作幸福感為中高程度,以「專業支持」之程度最高,「工作及生活滿意度」之程度最低。 三、新北市公立幼兒園以年齡41至50歲及31至40歲之教師與設立時間30年以上之幼兒園,幼兒園設施品質程度最高。 四、新北市公立幼兒園以設立時間15年(含)以下之幼兒園教師,教師工作幸福感程度最高。 五、幼兒園設施品質與教師工作幸福感有顯著正相關,幼兒園設施品質越高,教師工作幸福感也越高。 六、新北市公立幼兒園設施品質對教師工作幸福感具有預測作用,以「良好的維護設施」的預測最佳。 最後依據研究結果與結論,提出具體建議,以供行政機關、國小附幼校長、專設園園長、教師、教保員與未來研究之參考。 一、推行幼兒園設施品質之重要性,創造符合師生教學需求之學習環境 二、辦理相關研習或觀摩分享會,藉以推廣優良的幼兒園環境 三、規劃中長期幼兒園設施改善計畫,建構優質的幼兒園設施 四、宜尊重教保服務人員專業,給予適度肯定以增加認同感 五、運用領導策略,增加教保服務人員間的交流,藉以提升幼兒園設施品質與工作幸福感 六、重視幼兒園設施品質的維護,適時汰舊換新各項教學設施 七、積極進修或研習開拓視野,提升對幼兒園環境的了解與思維層次 八、培養休閒興趣,讓工作和生活取得平衡


The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between the public preschool's quality of educational facilities and teacher’s job well-being in a sample of the preschool teachers in New Taipei City, and to analyze the differences between the preschool's quality of educational facilities and teacher’s job well-being from teachers under different background variables, and to explore the relationship between the two variables. At the end of this study, it used the preschool's quality of educational facilities to forecast the teacher’s job well-being. A questionnaire survey using Stratified random samples was sent to 49 preschools in New Taipei City, with 430 teachers in total. The total number of questionnaires received was 353, and the number of valid questionnaires was 330, with a usable rate of 93.7%. The questionnaire of scale of preschool's quality of educational facilities and teacher's job well-being is compiled by the researcher. The collected data were analyzed by different statistics methods such as descriptive statistics, reliability, validity, independent t-test, one-way ANOVA, Pearson correlation, and multiple regression analysis. The conclusions are follows: 1.The level of the public preschool's quality of educational facilities in New Taipei City is medium-high performance, and the performance is the highest in the dimension of “Comfortable Classroom Environment” and the lowest one is “Abundant Teaching Equipment”. 2.The level of the teacher’s job well-being in New Taipei City is medium-high performance and the performance is the highest in the dimension of “Professional support ” and the lowest is “Abundant Teaching Equipment”. 3.Teachers who are in the range of 41 to 50 and 31 to 40 years old and preschools that have been established for more than 30 years have the highest level of preschool's quality of educational facilities. 4.Teachers who work for the public preschools in New Taipei City that have been established for less than 15 years have the highest level of teacher’s job well-being. 5.The relationship between preschool's quality of educational facilities and the teacher’s job well-being have a medium high significant positive correlation. The higher the preschool's quality of educational facilities reaches, the greater the teacher’s job well-being is. 6.The teacher’s job well-being can be predicted by preschool's quality of educational facilities in New Taipei City. And “Good Facilities Maintenance” is the best factor in the model. Based on the research findings and conclusions, some recommendations are provided for the reference of education administrative units, elementary school preschool of principals, preschool of principals, teachers, preschool educators, as well as relevant follow-up studies. 1.Promote the importance of the quality of preschool's quality of educational facilities and create a learning environment that meets the teaching needs of teachers and children. 2.Organize relevant seminars or observation sharing sessions to promote a good preschool environment. 3.Plan a mid- and long-term preschool facility improvement plan, and construct high-quality preschool facilities. 4.Respect the professionalism of education, given modest sure to increase the sense of identity. 5.Use leadership strategies to increase exchanges among education to improve the quality of preschool's quality of educational facilities and teacher’s job well-being. 6.Pay attention to the preschool's quality of educational facilities, the timely replacement of old teaching facilities. 7.Actively study to broaden your horizons and improve your understanding and thinking level of the preschool environment. 8.Cultivate leisure interests and balance work and life.


