  • 學位論文

台灣中小企業升級轉型策略之研究 – 以H公司為例

Taiwan medium-sized enterprise upgrade and transformation strategy research -Take H company as an example

指導教授 : 詹文男


中小企業是台灣近半個多世紀來經濟起飛的重要骨幹。科技產業中的中小 型企業在台灣完整的產業聚落與政策輔導下,更是台灣經濟奇蹟下不可缺少的 主力推手之一。 台灣電子產業以中小企業為主,類别多元與多樣化,且在毎個領域有一定 的競爭優勢。但是進入國際市場仍依靠大廠的OEM 及ODM 訂單模式,相對利 潤小,競爭激烈,加上常打價格戰,很難提升附加價值。而高利潤的企業,都 是以創新方式,加上了解市場需求、增加服務的升級以及解決客戶的痛點,進 而創造需求的重要性以達到升級轉型的策略。 以創新創意精神趨動的作法,初期階段會經歷新產品開發與新技術的引 進,在新思維的作法會有一段的掙扎苦撐技術突破的陣痛期。或許剛開始不順 利且遇到許多困難,但是一旦突破,不管在營收或是現金流可創造許多就業機 會及成長的潛力。近十年大陸世界工廠供應鏈掘起,使得台灣中小企業經營更 加困難。政府應該協助企業勇於產業升級轉型,以求新求變的精神,克服萬 難,聘請高端人才,投入資金和設備,研發新產品,調整產品戰略定位,進而 獲得新經濟增長點與擺脫經營困境的重大戰略方針。 本論文採用總體環境分析(PEST),五力分析,客戶分析(使用邱志聖的策 略行銷分析4C 理論)以及SWOT 等理論,探討個案H 公司與其身處的台灣中小 型科技產業之策略擬定與分析。期望本研究分析可為台灣中小企業提供企業轉 型之策略運用與資源配置之建議。


Small and medium-sized enterprises have been an important backbone of Taiwan's economic take-off for nearly half a century. Small and medium-sized enterprises in the technology industry, under the guidance of Taiwan's complete industrial agglomeration and policies, have become one of the indispensable main drivers of Taiwan's economic miracle. Taiwan's electronics industry is dominated by small and medium-sized enterprises, with diversified categories, and competitive advantages in every field. However, entering the international market still relies on the OEM and ODM order model of major manufacturers. Relatively small profits, fierce competition, and price wars are difficult to increase added value. High-profit companies use innovatived products or business model, understand market demand, increase service upgrades, and solve customer pain points to fulfill the demand from the markets and buyers to achieve upgrade and transformation strategies. The practice driven by the spirit of innovation and creativity will experience a period of painful struggling to support technological breakthroughs in the practice of new thinking at the initial stage. It may be unsuccessful at first and encountered many difficulties, but once a breakthrough is made, many jobs can be created regardless of revenue or cash flow. In the past decade, the supply chain of the world's factories in the mainland China has been raised up to the markets, making it more difficult for Taiwan's small and medium-sized enterprises to operate. Taiwan government should assist enterprises in their industrial upgrading and transformation, with the spirit of seeking innovation and change, overcoming all difficulties, hiring high-end talents, investing capital and equipment, developing new products, adjusting product strategic positioning, gaining new economic growth points and finding solution for business difficulties. This thesis uses theories of PEST, Porter five forces analysis, customer’s behavior analysis and SWOT to discuss the strategy formulation, analysis of the case H company and the small and medium-sized technology industry in Taiwan. It is hoped that this research and analysis can provide suggestions for the strategies of Taiwan's SMEs in corporate transformation.




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