  • 學位論文


The Investigation of Collaboration Situation and Belief between School Psychologists and School Counselors: A Perspective of School Psychologists

指導教授 : 陳婉真


自2014年通過「學生輔導法」後,心理師與輔導教師的合作越來越普遍,然而,目前心理師與輔導教師的合作情形,是否符合心理師的期待?本研究旨在「以心理師的觀點」瞭解心理師對輔導教師的合作現況、合作信念、以及兩者之間的差異情形。本研究抽取125名任職於學生輔導諮商中心之國中小心理師作為研究對象,先以驗證性因素分析考驗自編之「心理師與輔導教師合作現況量表」以及「心理師與輔導教師合作信念量表」是否具有良好的適配程度。接著,本研究以描述性統計、單因子變異數分析、獨立樣本t檢定等統計方式瞭解心理師與輔導教師的合作概況。最後,本研究以相依樣本t檢定及單因子變異數分析等統計方式探究不同背景心理師的合作差異情形。 本研究結果發現如下: 一、量表編製:「心理師與輔導教師合作現況量表」以及「心理師與輔導教師合作信念量表」皆具有良好的信效度。 二、合作現況:心理師與輔導教師之合作程度中間偏高。比較三個層次之間的差異,專業層次的得分平均數顯著高於系統層次,系統層次的得分平均數顯著高於關係層次。 三、合作信念:心理師與輔導教師之合作信念強烈程度偏高。比較三個層次之間的差異,專業層次的得分平均數顯著高於系統層次,系統層次的得分平均數顯著高於關係層次。 四、合作現況及合作信念之間的比較:心理師與輔導教師的合作信念,在專業層次以及系統層次上,顯著高於合作現況;而在關係層次上,心理師與輔導教師的合作現況以及合作信念並無顯著差異。 五、不同背景變項的心理師與輔導教師合作之差異情形: (一)性別方面:不論是合作現況量表或者合作信念量表,心理師在不同性別下都沒有達到顯著的差異。 (二)年齡方面:「31-35歲」以及「36-40歲」的心理師,與輔導教師在專業層次、關係層次以及總量表上的合作現況,顯著高於「30歲以下」的心理師。 (三)執業年資方面:在專業層次上,「4-6年」以及「7-9年」的得分平均數顯著高於「1年以下」以及「1-3年」;在關係層次上,「4-6年」的得分平均數顯著高於「1-3年」;在總量表上,「4-6年」以及「7-9年」的得分平均數顯著高於「1-3年」。 本研究根據研究結果提出相關之建議,供心理師與輔導教師在訓練養成、實務現場、生涯規劃方面,以及未來相關研究作為參考。


Since Student Guidance and Counseling Bill was enacted in 2014, the collaboration between school psychologists and school counselors is becoming more and more prevailing. However, does the current collaboration with the school counselor meet the expectation of the school psychologist? This paper is aim to investigate collaboration situation and belief, and the differences between the two, from a perspective of school psychologists. A total of 125 school psychologists who work in the Student Counseling Center participated in the study. First, this paper developed “Collaboration Situation between School Psychologist and School Counselor Scale, CSS” and “Collaboration Belief between School Psychologist and School Counselor Scale, CBS”, and examined the reliability and validity of the two scales by confirmatory factor analysis (CFA). After that, this study used statistical methods such as descriptive statistics, one-way analysis of variance (One-way ANOVA), and independent sample t-test to understand the collaboration between school psychologists and school counselors. At last, this study used statistical methods such as paired sample t-test and one-way analysis of variance (One-way ANOVA) to explore the differences in collaboration between school psychologists from different backgrounds. The main findings of this study were as follows: 1.The reliability and validity of CSS and CBS are supported. 2.Collaboration Situation: The level of collaboration situation between school psychologists and school counselors is middle-high. Comparing the differences between the three aspects, the average score of the profession aspect is significantly higher than the system aspect, and the average score of the system aspect is significantly higher than the relationship aspect. 3.Collaboration Belief: The level of collaboration belief between school psychologists and school counselors is high. Comparing the differences between the three aspects, the average score of the profession aspect is significantly higher than the system aspect, and the average score of the system aspect is significantly higher than the relationship aspect. 4.Comparison between Collaboration Situation and Collaboration belief: The collaboration belief between school psychologists and school counselors is significantly higher than the collaboration situation at the profession aspect and the system aspect. 5.The differences in collaboration between School Psychologists from different backgrounds: (1)Gender: Regardless of CSS or CBS, the school psychologists did not reach significant differences under different genders. (2)Age: The average scores of "31-35 years old" and "36-40 years old" are significantly higher than those of "under 30" at the profession aspect, relationship aspect, and the total CSS scale. (3)Year of practice: At the profession aspect, the average scores of "4-6 years" and "7-9 years" are significantly higher than "1 year and below" and "1-3 years". At the relationship aspect, the average score of "4-6 years" is significantly higher than "1-3 years". At the total CSS scale, the average scores of "4-6 years" and "7-9 years" are significantly higher than "1-3 years." Based on the above findings, the researchers proposed suggestions for practical sites for school psychologists and school counselors, educational development and career planning of school psychologists, and future related research as a reference.




