  • 學位論文


Multi-attribute Decision Making Analysis to Explore the Needs of Seniors Used Smartphone

指導教授 : 劉建浩


隨著科技快速進步的腳步,智慧型手機 (Smartphone)已成為現代人必備的日常用品,而台灣現今社會少子化的現象,加上醫療技術的進步,老年人口勢必越來越多,在這人手一機的時代,銀髮族 (Seniors)對智慧型手機的使用需求勢必日趨增加。本研究之目的為分析銀髮族對智慧型手機的使用需求,期望能為現今一昧在功能和技術上競爭的手機市場裡找出一群新的消費族群,以供企業作為參考。為了解銀髮族在手機上的使用需求,本研究以消費者觀點透過三階段的問卷訪談銀髮消費者,調查出消費者較為重視的準則後,再透過多屬性決策分析法 (Multi Attributes Decision Making Analysis, MADM),其結合了決策實驗室分析法 (Decision Making Trial and Evaluation Laboratory, DEMATEL)和網路層級分析法 (Analytic Network Process, ANP)後得出的DANP (DEMATEL-based ANP)方法來計算出準則間的關聯性和權重值。最後實證再以灰關聯方法分析 (Grey Relational Analysis)比較目前市佔率排名前三的手機大廠在準則上的表現分數,並加以排序,以證明本研究方法之可行性 (Feasibility)和有效性 (Effectively),研究結果顯示智慧型手機的「產品形象」、「售後服務」、「外型大小」、「堅固性」等四項準則最受銀髮族消費者重視,本研究同時對目前三大手機廠提出改善建議,以符合銀髮族需求。


With the rapidly advances of technology, Smartphone has become a necessity in the modern life. Due to the phenomenon of low fertility and the improvement of medical treatment, the aged population must to be increased. In other words, the demands of senior toward Smartphone will increase too. The aim of this study is to analyze the senior's demands of Smartphone. This study hopes to find a new group of consumer for the phone market which is invariably to compete in function and technology, and to provide a reference for enterprises. In order to understanding the demands of senior toward Smartphone, we use the consumers' viewpoint through the three stages of questionnaires to interview the consumer of seniors. After finding out the criterion which the consumer value, this study uses a hybrid Multiple Attributes Decision Making (MADM) model which combines Decision Making Trial and Evaluation Laboratory (DEMATEL) and Analytic Network Process (ANP) to derive DEMATEL-based ANP (DANP) which can obtain the correlation and weights between the criteria. Finally, a case study is provided by using Gray Relational to compare the performance at each criterion on current market share rate of the top three Smartphone manufacturers. The empirical example illustrates the feasibility and effectiveness of the proposed method. The results show that "image of the brand", "after-sales service", "size of the display", "solidity" are the most important criteria for seniors consumers. This study provides some improvements for the three Smartphone manufacturers to meet the needs of senior citizens.


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