  • 學位論文


The Effects of Insider Shareholding, Board Structure and Ownership Internalization on Risk-Taking of Publicly Corporation in Taiwan : Comparison between Pre and Post Financial Tsunami

指導教授 : 林淑玲


有鑑於過去台灣企業財務弊案頻傳,公司治理成效不彰,在2008年9月爆發之美國雷曼兄弟倒閉引起了全球的金融危機,許多企業受到金融海嘯衝擊而裁員、倒閉,凸顯出企業風險承擔的問題。故本文以台灣上市公司為研究樣本,基於產業特性,排除金融產業,研究期間為2000-2010年9月。且因台灣企業普遍存在家族控制型態,故進一步將企業分為家族企業、非家族企業、集團企業、非集團企業去觀察其不同類型企業之內部人控制對風險承擔影響。 在內部人持股實證發現內部人持股率與企業風險呈現顯著負向影響,即董監事持股率愈高則風險承擔愈低,大股東持股率愈高則風險承擔愈低,經理人持股率愈高則風險愈低,最終控制者個人持股率愈高則風險愈低,金融海嘯前後結果並無顯著差異。在董事會結構實證發現,董事會規模愈大則風險愈低,席次控制率愈高則風險愈提升,獨立董監席次率愈高則風險愈降低,金融海嘯前後結果並無顯著差異。在股權內部化實證發現,大致而言企業內部化程度愈高其風險承擔愈提升,而不同企業類型其結果不相同。此外,以TCRI信用風險作為風險指標時,其實證結果較為一致,而以Beta市場風險作衡量時結果較不一致,表示企業較容易受到市場波動的影響。實證結果中以家族企業與集團企業之結果最為顯著,隨著時間改變亦得到相同顯著結果,顯示台灣企業特有之家族涉入狀況,在有良好的公司治理下,家族企業是可靠的企業類型。


Due to the inadequate corporate governance along with corruption and financial scandals, many enterprises in Taiwan had suffered from the Global Financial Tsunami started 2008; ended up reformed, downsized, and, for quite a few, bankrupt. The series of consequent incidents has once again pointed out the importance of risk-taking in enterprise evaluation, which is the theme of this study. In this paper, the author aims at companies listed on Taiwan Stock Exchange (TSE)—firms in finance industry are excluded for certain attributes and peculiarity, with period from Jan. 2000 to Sep. 2010, to examine the influence of insiders to risk-taking level. Furthermore, considering the prevalence of family business in Taiwan, target enterprises are divided into four groups: family business, non-family business, conglomerate, and non-conglomerate. The empirical study of “insiders’ shareholding” shows that there exists significant negative correlation between insiders’ shareholding and the ability of risk-taking of the target firm, which implies the higher shareholding of boarders, the lower the risk-taking ability. No significant difference is observed after the financial tsunami. The empirical study of “board structure” shows that the larger the scale of the board committee, the lower the risk of the firm, the higher the seats control, the higher the risk of the firm, the higher the number of the independent supervisors, the lower the risk of the firm. No significant difference is observed after the financial tsunami. The empirical study of “Internalization of shareholding” shows that, generally speaking, the higher the internalization of target enterprise, the higher the ability of risk-taking, whereas the result may differ with respect to variety of target firms. In this study, the results of family business and conglomerate business are most significant as time elapsed. It suggests that the specific scenario of family control in Taiwan could be a reliable way to run business under good corporate governance.


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