  • 學位論文


The Study of Supply Chain Material Planning Dynamic Model of Global Logistics Management - Taking Apparel Industry as Example

指導教授 : 陳銘崑


由於全球貿易結構的轉變以及競爭激烈的全球化市場,為了降低生產成本,企業往往尋求勞動成本較優勢的國家設廠,而全球運籌管理模式相較於區域性的模式,更顯複雜與困難;後者通常只考慮單一國家或限定區域內的供應鏈體系,而前者必須考量涵蓋在數個國家甚至全世界的多個供應商、多個生產基地與多個配銷中心等,且要全盤考量全球供應鏈體系的最適資源分配,而全球化的運作模式會由於時間及空間的延展,增加供應鏈管理上的不確定因素。 本研究針對當企業面對全球運籌下,供應鏈不同需求型態,如穩定型、季節型等需求情境模式,以及當供應鏈供給運作階段所遭遇到的不確定因素時,如何迅速做出較精準之決策。模型提供一個動態物料規劃決策模型,針對營運總部在物料分配高低,物料運送時間長短,供應商群的產能是否滿足與穩定等決策因子,對供應鏈存貨水準與服務水準所產生的影響。研究結果指出,供應商物料分配率高低對於存貨水準與服務水準皆有顯著之影響,而物料運送時間縮短雖會增加存貨量但可改善服務水準,而在不同情境組合中,因子相互間的影響不一,企業可依本身策略定位,考量存貨水準以及服務水準之間,做最佳之取捨,以提供決策者做最佳的決策判斷,模擬研究結果可提供企業作為實務上決策擬定之參考。


As a result of global trade structure transformation and globalization market competition, in order to reduce the production cost, the enterprise often seeks China or Southeast Asia and has the cost of labor superiority establishment factory, but the supplier choice also no longer only obtains one of low product price consideration factors, how newly seeks matches the proper high supplier and the appraisal current may the use supplier also be faces when the globalization purchase an important issue; But the globalization operation model can because time and spatial delaying, in increase supply chain management of uncertainty. This research in view of the enterprise facing the global logistics of supply chain different demand scenarios, like stable or cycle demand situation, as well as when the supply chain supplies operation stage encounter the uncertainty, how rapidly makes a finer decision-making. The model provides a dynamic material plan decision-making model, in view of material distribution, material shipment time, and suppliers capacity decision factors for inventory level and service level influence. The research result material distribution can rise inventory level and service level influence, material shipment time only can rise service level. The enterprise may depend on their strategy, between inventory level and service level to make the best decision judgement.


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