  • 學位論文

軌道車輛行車控制系統更新方法之研究- 台北捷運系統木柵線更新實例

The Study of Train Control System Retrofit Methods in the Railway Vehicle System – The Example of Muzha Line Retrofit of Taipei Metro System

指導教授 : 蕭耀榮


世界上各大城市地鐵系統或大眾捷運系統的建設,對土木建築設施而言,其使用年限規劃為一百年以上之建築結構設計,但對機電系統規劃的使用年限,則僅侷限低於35年的使用壽命,因此具有百年以上地鐵營運歷史的城市,其行車自動控制系統技術升級與車輛更新將甚為頻繁;就更新技術層面而言,在不影響每日營運的狀況下,如何完成複雜行車自動操作系統的更新,是一項值得研究與分析的課題。 本文研究主題,將針對困難度較高之固定閉塞區間無人駕駛自動駕駛系統,更新至新一代之移動區間通訊式列車控制(CBTC) 無人自動駕駛系統的方法,撰文分析;並以實際參與台北捷運系統木柵線行車自動控制系統更新的經驗,祈能有條理的闡明行車自動控制系統更新方法及如何克服新舊系統介面的問題,以提供爾後類似此列車自動控制系統更新的作業參考。 軌道車輛行車控制系統的技術,在日新月異發展中;尤其近幾年間,無線通訊的技術大量使用於列車行車控制系統上,原有使用傳統軌道電路控制的行車控系統勢必將面臨淘汰的命運;因此,順應此無線科技的新潮流,舊系統在更新新系統的選擇上,將會對通訊式列車控制(CBTC)的技術有一定之青睞;換言之,在不影響舊系統的營運,又能完成新系統之安裝與測試的技術要求下,行車控制系統更新技術之研究是一項刻不容緩的課題。


Different subsystems of metro system constructions in the top cities of world have different lifecycle. For civil work formulation there is fixed number of life years over hundred year for architectures, but for electronic and mechanical systems that formulation are only limited less than thirty-five years. Therefore, those over hundred year’s revenue service metro system, the vehicle and train automatic control system have a high retrofit and upgrade exceeding. From the point of the view of system retrofit technologies, it is an important issue of research topic planning retrofit train automatic control system witout any interference in daily revenue service. This thesis provides an analysis for renewing the conventional fixed block man less train operation system by a new generation of CBTC of moving block man less train operation system. The analysis is mainly based on author’s the experiences and participance of the retrofit Muzha Line of Taipei metro system. It is expected to find the solutions of existing and new interference problems of train control system, in order to make a clear picture of retrofit methods. The author expects this proposed solutions can be a useful reference of train control system retrofit for future processing in similar projects and events. The technologies of train control systems for railway waysides and onboard equipments have changed and developed day by day, especially the knowledge radio system has widely adopted in train control system to replace the traditional track circle train control system. That traditional train control system will be eliminated graduately in the competition with the radio train control system. Generally speaking, there is a tendency to use these radio technologies in the train control system and Communication based Train Control (CBTC) system will be the main choice when the former system need to be retrofitted. Therefore, it is a top issue to make the new system installation and commissioning without any interference to the existing system revenue service during the sysem retrofit period.


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4.陶治中,“ 智慧型運輸系統在輕軌上之應用 ”,大高雄都會區軌道交通技術研討會,台灣高雄市,2002 年3月7、8日,98頁。
5.高雄捷運股份有限公司,高雄都會區大眾捷運系統紅橘路線路網建設案,“投資計畫書”,2001年申請文件,第三冊,第四章 ,興建計畫 ,上冊 42 ~ 47頁。
