  • 學位論文

進口車汽車零件行銷策略之研究 -以Volkswagen汽車為例

Marketing Strategy of Vehicle Patrs Sale – A Case Study of Volkswagen Car

指導教授 : 吳浴沂


近幾年來台灣汽車產業銷售量逐漸下滑,主要原因歸咎以下幾點:不外乎油價高漲、大眾運輸系統便利(如:捷運、高鐵…..)、中產階級人口許多至大陸工作,造成用車人口減少,保養周期變長,都是造成新車銷售量減少之原因。 有鑑於此各汽車公司在新車銷售無法得到設定的利潤,均將重心轉移至售後服務,除努力增加服務廠的營收外,另外更積極的開發各項可以提升營收利潤的零配件來銷售。本研究將以Volkswagen汽車為例,針對各項零件如:電裝部品、引擎電腦晶片改裝,各車型外觀空力套件及多樣或精品之開發及販促,來進行完整性極相關聯性的彙整、篩選及整理,並以現有實際的銷售案例分析各消費族群的心理及需求。另外將產品銷售給消費者除滿足客戶的需求外,藉此提高客戶的品牌忠誠度,並提升客戶滿意度兩者兼具才是雙贏的局面。本研究的最後結論,各項產品的銷售需有客戶導向為前提,因此能朝滿足客戶需求的品質與服務,才能真正提升顧客的滿意度,並增加客戶的滿意感受,促進再次回廠購買其他產品的意願及口碑宣傳及介紹,進而提升整體銷售業績。也唯有充分暸解客戶所關切的需求,滿足客戶的需求。


行銷策略 SWOT 車輛產業


The reasons for the declining of the automobile sales volume are as follows: the rising gasoline price, the emigration of population to work in mainland China, the lengthening of maintenance, the convenience of transportation, such as Mass Rapid Transit System, High Speed Rail. These factors cause a rapid decrease in driving population.Because many car dealers cannot benefit from car sales, they turn to after services. Apart from working hard to increase earning from repair shops, they aggressively develop all kinds of spare parts or accessories for customers to get margin.This study takes Volkswagen as an example focusing on the development and sale of all kinds of spare parts which are sorted and arranged in order. Also, this study analyzes requirements of all kinds of consumers by successful sales cases. The win-win situation is the products, which meet consumers’ needs, can make them satisfied. The conclusion of this study is that all kinds of products are consumer guided, so the requirement will be met. When consumers are satisfied, they would come back to consume and be willing to introduce products to people. As a result, the sales volume will be raised. By fully understanding the customers’ needs and improving sales strategies can the dealers win their hearts.


marketing SWOT vehicle industry


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