  • 學位論文

汽車行銷策略之研究 - 以新車營業所為例

Marketing Strategy of Vehicle Sale - A Case Study of New Car Sales Outlet

指導教授 : 黃緒哲


台灣汽車新車銷售年均量約為40萬輛,其中包含進口與台灣製造一共有35個品牌,為求生存,各品牌的汽車行銷活動激烈。 而新車銷售活動的主要成功關鍵因素為汽車行銷資源之分配管理是否得宜,其中以行銷廣告費用控制管理,與業務單位銷售成交能力,更是企業獲利與否的兩個最大管理變數。 本研究經由新車行銷資源運用於廣告的效益量化分析,計算有費媒體之集客率,求取平均之集客成本。 及業務銷售單位之成交能力之量化分析,計算各車型暨各業務代表之成交率,求取平均之成交成本。 進而建立汽車行銷資源分配模式,求取達成銷售目標的廣告活動與促銷獎金之最佳分配策略。 本研究之結論,可對汽車廣告企畫之主管與汽車銷售管理之主管,分別提出相關性的量化分析模式建議,作為行銷預算最佳分配模式之基礎,而所建立之汽車營業所經營之關鍵成功因素,可提供從業人員快速累積汽車行銷活動與營業管理知識,有效因應善變之台灣汽車銷售市場,並順利達成企業永續經營所需之獲利。


The automobile industrial is getting more important to the world and Taiwan as well. Taiwan automobile market recorded average 400,000 units sold yearly included both local made vehicles and imported vehicles. Taiwan automobile market is become to the most fierce market in the world due to there are 8 vehicle manufactures being producing cars and over 35 imported vehicle brands have its representative in Taiwan to grab the limited vehicle business in 2006. How to survive and to earn probably profits from vehicles business to last the enterprise survive is to be the key issue in cars enterprise management. Well management in both advertises spending and car sales productivity are the key factors of success whether the cars enterprise made profits or not. The main purpose of this study is aim for the following: 1.The evaluation of new car sales advertises spending and its efficiency improvement. 2. The evaluation of car sales representative performance and its productivity improvement. Finally, the results and its improving activity from the above analyses will become to the key indexes how to allocate the car sales promotion resources, especial in advertisement spending and car sales representative incentive program. The conclusion of this study is providing the simulation way how to justify the advertisement spending and car sales incentive program in a reasonable and considerate weight before it been executed by car sales & marketing manager and new car sales manager for better enterprise profit from new car sales business. To the continuous studier, there are not many studies in the new car sales operations management if compared to the new car product knowledge management. This study is only made a research on a single sales outlet. It will be benefit to Taiwan automobile industrial to success develop their profitable new car sales operations not only in Taiwan but also in Mainland China as well if more studies are been investing.


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