  • 學位論文

高中生就讀科技大學先修課程規畫之研究 -以國立臺北科技大學為例

A Study of Pre-School Curricular Planning for Non-Vocational High School Students — An Example Adopted From NTUT

指導教授 : 張仁家


摘要 本研究主要針對高中生就讀國立臺北科技大學先修課程實施之情形,以個案分析加以深入了解及探討先修課程之規畫與實施之教師的期望及學生學習滿意度,期能提出適合先修課程之架構,以作為科技大學未來先修課程規畫或修訂之參考。 本研究採文獻探討、教師訪談、問卷調查等方式進行,並依據研究分析統合彙整後,擬修訂先修課程之初步架構,再邀集專家進行專家座談,藉由專家座談方式進行討論及確認先修課程之架構。本研究之主要結論有:一、學校規畫先修課程除了考量學生選讀意願外,同時還需兼顧學生的背景與需求。二、大多數教師贊成以跨院系整合或合開暑期先修課程。三、大部分的教師上暑期先修課程意願不高,主要原因是教師利用暑假期間做研究,較無多餘時間上暑期先修課程。四、開設暑期先修課程可先行讓學生適應學習環境並具心理安定作用,亦可以達成學校招生宣導作用。五、學生對暑期先修課程總和學習滿意度均達「滿意」的程度。六、未選修暑期先修課程主要的因素,大多數學生是以「暑期打工」、「開課時段無法配合」及「路途遙遠」為主因。七、暑期先修課程在規畫課程時之考量,應以基礎專業科目、實習(實驗)為主。八、在實際面的考量下,暑期先修課程開課重要性之高低,以94學年度及95學年度曾經開過的課程排序普遍較高。


ABSTRACT This study focuses on how the pre-school programs for non-vocational high school students have been being performed at NTUT. With the approach of case-by-case study, They manage to understand and explore both what the teachers expect from and whether the students are satisfied with the program—as scheduled in the pre-school curricular courses, in the hope that They might be able to present a better-designed framework for future reference or further revision. This study was done in the following methods: Researcher carefully examines academic documents in question, Researcher interview the teachers and do questionnaire work. With the consequence of data analysis and disciplinary integration, Researcher try to revise the original framework for the pre-school curricular planning; furthermore, Researcher hold a symposium for expert discussion to justify an appropriate structure of the program. Some of the main conclusions include: 1. The school authorities need to take into consideration both the willingness of the students to take courses, their background knowledge and academic demands; 2. A majority of the teachers favor offering integrated courses across departments and colleges in summer; 3. A large number of university teachers are not highly motivated in teaching during the summer breaks, which are mainly regarded as a precious time span for research doing, leaving little extra time for summer courses; 4. Psychologically, students are likely to get accustomed to the new academic environment more easily with pace of the pre-school courses. Besides, the ad-hoc program also helps in recruiting potential new-comers; 5. All the students are at least “satisfied” with the courses available in general; 6. Among those that distract students from taking the pro-school courses are the following three factors: They “have to work part time”, they don’t have “unfavorable time schedule” or they “stay too far away from school”; 7. A lot on Fundamental courses of profession as well as Lab (Experimental) courses as described in each of the individual departments are supposed to take an important role in the pre-school courses; 8. With real situations being considered, the priority of course offering should be arranged as those having been done in the school years of 2005 and 2006.


