  • 學位論文


Study on Policies of Sustainable Management for Solid Waste – An Example on Taipei City

指導教授 : 張添晉


基於國內目前垃圾處理問題仍潛藏許多危機,特別是台北市在人口最密集、最終處理設施不足情況下,更顯其推動「減量回收」及「永續管理」之重要性,若能以可行性佳且符合經濟效益之永續策略來有效抑止垃圾問題,可降低垃圾後續處理投入之成本,並將廢棄物有效地轉化為資源永續利用,以達到環保與經濟兼顧的效益。故本研究依目前台北市之現況、成效加以歸納分析,並深入瞭解廢棄物政策推動之關鍵因素,藉由下列撰述及探討,以供政策全面性推動之參考。 本研究先行瞭解我國一般廢棄物政策演進,並就目前推動源頭減量、零廢棄相關政策做深入探討,而研究主要內容藉由國內外廢棄物處理政策推動情形及執行成效彙整,提出具回顧性與發展性之分析,並試以「整合性固體廢棄物管理」(Integrated Solid Waste Management ,以下簡稱ISWM)為環境管理架構,瞭解執行現況、執行策略與未來策略層面,最後以(Strengrths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats ,以下簡稱SWOT)分析方式針對台北市刻正推動永續管理政策作分析,期助於發掘問題、修正政策,進而改善對環境、社會層面的影響及衝擊,使其創造環境、經濟、社會等層面之永續競爭優勢,進而作為台北市推動廢棄物處理策略及未來環境管理策略之參考?皏菕A藉以提出改進之因應對策,以落實及達到「廢棄物全回收、零掩埋」之永續目標。


Because of overpopulation, “Waste treatment” always is a big problem in Taiwan, epically in Taipei city. Therefore, “Reduce、Recycle、Reduction” and “ Sustainable Management” are very important issues in Taipei for lack of final deposal land. Hence, feasible and economical strategies are needed in Taipei to minimize volume of garbage generated, lower down the waste treatment cost and achieve sustainable society. Analyzing current waste recycle efficiencies in Taipei and comparing with other countries’ policies are used for improving waste management policy in this study. The development of general waste policies in Taiwan were studied first, especially in reduce and zero waste policies. Comparing and analyzing with other countries’ waste management policies executed achievements were also discussed. “Integrated Solid Waste Management, ISWM” was used in this study to analyze waste reducing policies, efficiencies and future strategies in waste management. Furthermore, “Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats, SWOT” was also used to analyze sustainable development policies in Taipei city, expecting this analysis could discover problems, correct strategies, improve influence and impact to the society and environment and raising competition in environment, economic and society in the future. Therefore, the conclusions of this study could provide references to Taipei City government for improving waste management strategies to achieve the goal of “Recycle and Zero Waste”.


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