  • 學位論文


A Study of Technology Strategy in Chemical Material Industry

指導教授 : 田方治 胡同來


產業環境隨著時間的改變和國際化的快速發展,為了維持競爭優勢,先進國家除了積極推動科技研發和不斷地開發、提升業務層次需求。當產業的生命週期改變時,機會與威脅隨之而來,公司也必須調整、改變其商業模式與策略,以迎合變動的環境,並以「技術障礙」來主導國際相關技術規範,以在商品或系統驗證上取得競爭優勢。為了發展獨特能力,創造競爭優勢,公司必須執行一組策略,以構成其核心價值,而獨特能力是公司專屬的優勢,可使公司達到卓越的效率、品質、創新和獲得良好的顧客回應,公司利用其獨特能力來發展商業模式,並使其產品差異化或降低成本結構。公司擁有好的商業模式,就可以達到持續性競爭優勢與卓越的獲利能力。 本研究透過技術策略之研究,研究結果發現企業在營運的商業模式與市場之間的關聯性,當企業想建立自己專有的產品專屬性在利基市場,讓其成為產業的標準化,就必須在規格戰爭中獲勝,打敗互相競爭的其他標準,創造出「人無我有、人有我新」之卓越技術或服務,同時善用產品的專屬性、專利授權的優勢和建立專利權的壁壘,能夠持續幫助企業創造正向的市場價值和卓越的獲利力。


The industrial environment changed over time. In the process of internationalization, the developed countries must actively research and develop advanced technology to maintain a competitive edge and to meet the demand on the operational level. As the life cycle of the industry change, opportunities and threats follow. Companies must readjust their business models and strategies to meet the changes in the environment. In order to increase competitiveness, companies need to raise the technical hurdles in order to take the lead in product development in the global market. To develop the unique ability, the company must implement a set of strategies, which constitute its core value. This unique quality will help form the exclusive advantage in achieving superior efficiency and generate positive customer response. Based on a well-constructed business model, the company may distinguish its products from the competitors or reduce cost. Consequently, sustainable competitive advantage and high profitability may be gained. Through the analysis of technical strategies, the present study reviews the business operations in the chemical material industry and their relationship with the demands of the market. The result shows that become the standard of the industry, companies must build their proprietary products in the niche market and create a unique and superior technology or service. Moreover, they must exploit the specificity of their products as well as patent licensing Entitle to create a supreme market value and excellent profitability.


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