  • 學位論文


A Strategy Study on Noise Reduction for the TRA Elevated Railway

指導教授 : 林利國


台灣鐵路西部幹線於1919年即已大致興建完成,而後陸續完成東部、北迴、南迴等路線佈建,至1991年南迴鐵路通車始完成環島路網,而後國內便幾無再闢建新鐵路路線,而以鐵路改建工程為主要工作。早期的鐵路改建工程以鐵路電氣化與雙軌化為主,進廿年則改以都會區鐵路立體化為重。鐵路立體化為減少用地取得經費,改建路線多與原有路線相同,或僅有些微調整,方式則有高架化與地下化,宥於經濟成本效益考量,除北高兩市因人口密集、土地高密度開發,採鐵路地下化改建有其效益外,其餘國內各大都會區多將以鐵路高架化改建。 汐止高架鐵路(國內第一座市區高架鐵路)於2006年啟用後,由於該段鐵路穿越汐止市中心人口稠密區,兩旁超高層集合式住宅櫛比鱗次,因此時有民眾反映高架鐵路之噪音擾民,然而對於高架鐵路噪音影響程度、是否符合相關法令要求、可採用噪音消減策略、預估可消減效益、減噪所需經費等議題,目前尚未有整體之評估研究。地面鐵路與高架鐵路結構不同,噪音源不同,對於周邊居住者之影響不同,可採用之噪音消減措施亦不盡相同。鑑於國內高架鐵路將大量興建,以及民眾對於新建鐵路噪音之要求日益增高,本論文針對上述議題,蒐羅國內外相關研究報告,進行整體評估分析,提出台鐵高架鐵路噪音消減策略之建議,而後再以汐止高架鐵路為例,針對該段高架鐵路實際量測噪音值,分析其噪音消減措成效,並針對分析結果提出檢討與建議。 本研究成果將可提供目前使用中高架鐵路,於選擇噪音消減策略時之參考;以及提供未來新設置高架鐵路,於可行性評估與規劃階段,將噪音影響因素納入決策考量,並於設計階段時,作為選擇噪音消減策略之參考。


The railway surround Taiwan island has been constructed before 1991. Then Taiwan Railway Administration (TRA) has never built new railway line until now. The Ministry of Transportation and Communications (MOTC) started to reconstruct Taiwan's railway past 20 years. Because of the cost-effectiveness factor, most of the railway in Taiwan are reconstructed by elevated model, so the strategy study on noise reduction for the TRA Elevated Railway is more and more important. This report is concerned about the noise effect on TRA Elevated railways, if the effect accord with decree of noise, how many strategies could be used on elevated railways, and the cost-effectiveness of the strategies. This report collects domestic and international relevant research papers, and analysis with TRA elevated attributes, then commands the strategies to reduce the noise of TRA elevated railway. At last, we monitored TRA Sijhih elevated railway's noise levels, and analysised the monitoring report, then proposed the suggestion as the reference that related apparatus choose the strategies on noise reduction for the TRA elevated railway in the future.


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