  • 學位論文


The Study of Syueshan Tunnel Fire Self-Defense Team Performance Evaluation

指導教授 : 鄭光炎 張寬勇


雪山隧道由坪林至頭城長達12.9公里,目前為亞洲第一長之公路隧道,由於隧道是一個封閉性長筒狀結構物,一旦發生火災,因大火燃燒之擴延性非常迅速,將造成一定程度之救災困難,尤其溫度高達1200℃以上時,任何防救災之作為均成無效,屆時隧道結構體將可能崩塌,任何機電設施必將完全毀損,若用路人仍身陷其境未及逃生,必然兇多吉少,生還之機會可能非常渺茫,故最佳防災策略即是在小火尚未變成大火前即時撲滅。易言之,在小火燃燒階段若能有效初期滅火,將災害規模控制在一定範圍內,再等待消防單位進行後續滅火工作,才是上上之策。反之,若未能在初期滅火中控制災害,必釀成重大災害,身處公務部門之任何單位或主事者,必將不樂見此一結果。 如何有效進行初期滅火及宣導,或教導用路人自救滅火,乃是公路主管機關應研究之重要課題。雪山隧道之管理單位高速公路局依照專家學者及災防會之建議,除在隧道洞口兩端附近由台北縣政府及宜蘭縣政府兩消防局各設置消防分隊外,為加強初期滅火之及時性及效能,管理養護單位高速公路局北區工程處頭城工務段亦主動成立一支自衛消防編組,成員計有48人,分三班制輪值駐守於洞口兩端及中央(17號橫坑位置)24小時巡查,務必在最短時間內趕抵火場,進行第一階段初期滅火。 俗話說:「星星之火,足以燎原」,初期滅火之重要性不可言喻,負責初期滅火自衛消防編組及管理階層等成員是否具備一定之基本消防知識、能力及經驗足以勝任此一工作,該等成員之素質如何? 管理階層之管理策略如何?及如何提昇救災戰力、應變能力等,均為關係初期滅火救災效能及災後救護之重要影響因子。 有鑑於此,本研究將以高速公路局北區工程處頭城工務段之自衛消防編組及管理成員等整體救災戰力為基礎加予研析,並以個案研究方式利用管理方面最佳化之平衡計分卡的建立與層級分析法的運用,藉由文獻資料蒐集、調查分析、訪談等建構一套績效指標並加予評估,讓管理單位對整體自衛消防之運作績效有一明確之方針,作為未來提昇管考之參考依據。


The Syueshan tunnel is 12.9 km from Pinglin to Toucheng and is the longest highway tunnel in Asia at present. The structure of tunnel is sealed and long tube.Once the fire is happened, it is difficult to relieve the disaster because of the fire burning fast and expansively. Especially when the temperature is up to more than 1200 degrees Centigrade , any activity to relieve the disaster will become invalid. The structure of the tunnel may collapse when the time comes, and any electrical facility will be totally damaged. If motorist is still in the tunnel without fleeing , they must have very few chance to survive.Thus,the best way to prevent calamities is to put out the fire before it turns into the conflagration. Moreover,effective putting out the fire in the intial stage will limit the level of disaster to a small area until fire fighters reach the site is the best solution. On the other hand, failing to control the calamity in the initial stage must lead to the great calamity, and every public service or authorities will be unwilling to see this result. It is an important subject that the freeway authority should study how to teach motorists to put out a fire and save them by themselves in the initial stage effectively. According to the suggestion from the experts and the Calamity Defense Committee, Taipei County Fire Bureau and Yilan County Fire Bureau to set up a fire brigade in both ends of the tunnel respectively. In order to strengthen the efficiency in time of putting out a fire in the initial stage, the freeway authority, Toucheng Engineering Branch of Northern Region Engineering Office of Taiwan Area National Freeway Bureau, also establishes a fire self-defense team by itself. This team is consist of 48 members, and it accepts three-shift working system for 24 hours to garrison the exit, entrance, and center (the relay point position) of the tunnel to patrol. They must reach the fire site within minimum time, to put out a fire in the initial stage. A proverb says a single spark can start a prairie fire. Thus, the importance of putting out a fire in the initial stage is beyond description. Do the fire self-defense team and management members have certain basic knowledge of fire control? Do they have enough ability, and experience to be qualified this job? What is quality for these members? What are the management tactics for manager? The aforesaid reasons and how to strengthen the ability to relieve the disaster and adapt to changes are also the important factors related to the efficiency of putting out a fire in the initial stage. According to these factors, this research will analyze the ability of a fire self-defense team of Toucheng Engineering Branch to relieve the disaster and will establish the balance scorecard of management optimization by way of case study. The case study utilizes literature review, analysis and interview to set up a performance management system and an objective feasible performance index to evaluate. It lets management unit to have a clear policy to operate the fire self-defense team and would be the reference promoting future management.


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