  • 學位論文


The Feasibility Analysis on n-butanol-gasoline Blended Fuels Applying in EFI Engine

指導教授 : 林百福


在車輛之研究中,減少廢氣排放之汙染物與節能是當今頗為重要的研究重點。對汽油引擎而言,燃燒的不完全與熱效率低是最大的影響主因,加上傳統能源的耗盡,使得替代能源成為了未來必然的趨勢。在替代能源中,以乙醇燃料的研究及使用最為普及,因乙醇燃料含氧與高辛烷值的特性,有助於提升燃燒效率與熱效率的改善。但也因燃料本身低熱值與腐蝕的特性,故無法直接或以高比例添加的方式使用於現有的引擎上。另除乙醇燃料外,同樣為醇類燃料的正丁醇燃料,其原料的來源與乙醇燃料大致相同,又正丁醇燃料具有接近汽油的燃油特性。故本研究將正丁醇燃料以容積百分比分別為3 vol%、5 vol%和10 vol%添加於95無鉛汽油中,並與95無鉛汽油共四種燃料進行比較,探討引擎燃油消耗率、能源效率與廢氣排放的汙染物之影響。實驗結果顯示,丁醇混合燃料在較高比例的B10混合燃料上雖有較高的BSFC值,但隨丁醇燃料添加比例的增加,亦有較好的能源效率。另在廢氣排放的表現上,丁醇混合燃料較95無鉛汽油能有效的降低CO和THC的濃度值,而CO2和NOX的排放濃度增加。故使用丁醇燃料能達到節省能源和降低廢氣排放之功效。


Nowadays the research of advanced vehicle diminishes the contaminant of exhaust emission and augments energy-saving is still quite a momentous research focus. In gasoline engine, not merely is incomplete combustion pollution and lower thermal efficiency the dominant influence, but traditional energy sources is depleted as well, resulting alternative energy must be glorious in the future. In alternative energy, ethanol fuels, owing to the ethanol fuel oxygenated and high-octane features, they are utilized in many wide of sphere, help to ameliorate the combustion efficiency and thermal efficiency. Because of the fuel of lower heat value and pro-corrosion characteristic than ethanol fuels, it cannot be directly added into the vehicular engines with high proportion of alcohol-additive. Except additive of ethanol fuels, the similar alcohol fuels, n-butanol fuel, have higher energy density and oxygenated characteristic than ethanol fuels. This research uses n-butanol fuels by volume percentage of 3%, 5% and 10% added to unleaded 95 gasoline (referred to respectively as, B3, B5 and B10 mixed fuel), and 95 unleaded petrol, totaling four experimental fuels. This research analyses the engine fuel consumption, energy efficiency and emissions of pollutants. The results show that added B10 n-butanol blended fuels have, although, higher BSFC value than B3 n-butanol blended fuels, however, the trend is that if the volume proportions add from B3 to B10, it shows better energy efficiency. Finally, exhaust emission performance, used n-butanol blended fuels, effectively dwindle CO and THC concentration than unleaded 95 gasoline. Result from the characteristic of oxygenated n-butanol blended fuels, the concentration of CO2 and NOX exhaust emissions augment. Therefore, the use of n-butanol blended fuels can reach the goal of saving energy and reducing emissions.


n-butanol fuel Alternative energy


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