  • 學位論文


The Practicability Study of Constructing Ecological Platforms in Primary Schools in Taipei

指導教授 : 蔡仁惠


生態都市建構之宗旨乃為改善都市環境品質,建立生生不息、永續發展的都市環境。都市中人工領域肆意擴大,不利生態都市的未來發展,若能在都市中建置與自然環境可平衡共存的生物濃縮棲地,賦予人造物新的生態功能與價值,廣佈生態跳島健全都市生態網絡基盤,對臺北市生態都市之發展將有所助益,都市中既有建築物露台大量之生態綠化應可適切扮演部份角色。 生態環境的建立除了綠化作業等硬體設施外,生態基礎教育推廣應為重要的一環。本研究以臺北市公立國小校舍建構生態露台之可行性為主題,透過國小校園生態教育示範可為生態環境教育之基礎向下紮根,並可結合社區民眾參與校園互動學習,為民眾生態理念之建立作最生活化的宣導。 本研究藉由相關文獻探討,並參酌行政作業機制、生態露台設計及施工技術等實務探討,以評估臺北市公立國小校舍建構生態露台之可行性;研究結果發現:各項評估顯示國小校舍建構生態露台計畫具體可行,對臺北市未來朝向生態都市發展有極大貢獻。因此,未來若能結合教育、宣導和民眾自發性的參與,並以公部門之臺北市公立國小校舍為生態露台建構計畫之率先實踐對象,不但在實務操作和管理上較易貫徹執行,更可藉此激發民眾對此生態議題的認知與重視,督促相關規範的積極建立,有助於臺北市生態都市理念之推廣與落實。


The main goal of achieving ecological city is to improve the urban environment, and establish the sustainable city. Urban sprawl has damaged the urban environment and caused ecological damage in a highly developed city. There is a significant need to achieving a balanced urban environment with green spaces combining both artificial blocks and the natural environment to improve the quality of urban green islands and urban green network. Such improvements would assist in redressing the balance between humanity and the natural environment. In my opinion, providing public green space in the urban environment is an important element in re-establishing human respect for the natural environment. There are several key factors in establishing green space in the city, for example promoting environmental education, ensuring the participation of local residents and the providing adequate facilities. The research purpose to analyse the probability of constructing the ecological platform in public primary schools in Taipei. The efforts should be encourage local people to understand the benefits of the 'Green School Development' programme, which will in turn underline the importance of ecological education at foundational level. The research aims to review existing literature, providing an international perspective, considering the political, design and technological issues to analyse the probability of constructing the ecological platform in public primary schools in Taipei. The conclusion indicates that there is a practical way to construct the ecological platform in public primary schools in Taipei and that the scheme would beneficially contribute to the economy, education system and both the urban and social environment. The ultimate achievement of the research is to encourage people to give greater consideration to urban ecological issues by supporting the construction of ecological platforms in public primary schools in Taipei. This in turn will help promote and move towards achieving a greater understanding of the ecological city in Taipei.


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