  • 學位論文


The study on the TDR’s Receiving Areas of the preservation of Military-Dependent’s Villages’ evaluating principles- villages in Taoyuan county.

指導教授 : 蘇瑛敏


眷村為民國38年政府遷台初期安置國軍及其眷屬所興建的軍眷住宅,隨著都市成長與快速發展,原有眷舍已成為都市窳陋地區。政府為改善居住環境品質,行政院核轉立法院於民國85年2月5日頒佈施行「國軍老舊眷村改建條例」,並擬具「國軍老舊眷村改建計畫」,迄今已興建88處眷村改建基地,約7萬餘戶。 眷村為台灣特殊歷史背景所形成獨特性的居住型態,眷村文化亦具保存價值,但「國軍老舊眷村改建基金」係屬處分眷改土地得款挹注回基金之變產置產模式,故地方政府期以透過都市計畫變更方式,以等值之容積移轉回饋產值予國防部同行政區土地,藉以取得舊有眷村土地執行保存作業,惟大量容積移入接受地區,極易影響當地環境品質及經濟發展,故容積移轉詳細之評估原則與相關執行細則均值得研究。 本研究將透過文獻回顧、案例分析等方法,收集相關容積移轉、容受力及容積銀行等資料,並透過專家訪談提供意見,建立眷村保存容積移轉接受地區評估原則,共分為「外部環境、公共設施、經濟活動及居民感觀」等4類14項評估因子,同時建議現行眷村保存等值容積移轉操作方式,應先以評估原則逐一檢視各接受地區條件,並不強制將容積全部移轉至接受地區,應依各接受地區容受力將容積移轉分散至3個到4個接受地區,超過接受上限之多餘容積,建議利用現有容積銀行機制辦理,期望對未來「眷村保存」容積移轉接受地區有所助益。


Military-Dependent’s Villages were the residences when the Government moved to Taiwan in 1949 arranging for the military and their family. Along with the growing and speedy development of city, original villages became rough places. To improve housing conditions, the Executive Yuan approved “The Aged Military Family Dependant Villages Reconstruction Rule” announced by the Legislative carried out in Feb. 5th ,1996 and planned “The Aged Military Family Dependant Villages Reconstruction Plan” . From now on,eighty-eight Military-Dependent’s Villages were rebuilt, seventy-thousand villages approximately. Military-Dependent’s Villages were unique residential type formed by special history factors in Taiwan. Villages culture also had preserving value. “The Aged Military Family Dependant Villages Reconstruction Fund” was the model that raised the fund for the reconstruction by a special budget, which was recalculating the land price. Local government wished to change urban plans and gave TDR’s equivalence back to district areas of the Ministry of National Defense by getting the aged Military-Dependent’s Villages preservation . However, the large number of TDR receiving areas effected local environmental quality and economic development easily. TDR’s evaluating principles and related detailed rules were worthy to research. With documents and cases analysis, collecting some documents of TDR, carrying capacity and capacity bank. In the way of interviewing with experts, to build TDR’s receiving areas evaluating principles, including outside environment, public facilities, economic development and residents impression. It is suggested that the TDR’s operation should survey receiving area condition individually by evaluating principles and doesn’t make capacity transfer to receiving area with the strong hand. It should depend on every receiving area carrying capacity, dispersing TDR to three or four receiving areas. It is suggested that current capacity bank deals with extra capacity. It hopes to benefit TDR’s receiving areas in the future.


