  • 學位論文

具有中央空調之教學大樓耗能解析與 節能潛力研究

Research on Energy Simulation and Energy Saving for a College Building

指導教授 : 蔡尤溪


學校類建築的耗能大致可區分為空調、照明、動力及其他設備用電,使用比例空調約佔55.0 %、照明約佔28.0 %、動力與插座約佔17.0 %。依據教育部2005年統計資料,台閩地區共有學校7475所,目前學校空調的普及率,以大專院校較高,而國中小學尚處於克儉的階段,因此,在未來的數年內,各級學校因增設空調之用電量,將會是很可觀。 空調耗能主要受到建築外殼設計、空調設備效率、空調系統設計與系統操作影響,本研究將應用網路遠端監測技術及建築耗能動態解析程式DOE-2,以實體調查與模擬分析並用之方式,選擇具中央空調之教學大樓為樣本,進行全年空調耗能之研究,將各項影響空調負荷與耗電之負荷因子、操作因子、時間因子詳加模擬計算解析,並與實測數據比對,探討其對空調耗能影響之程度,並擬定對應之節能措施。 節能措施之潛力,以外氣量隨人員數變化、調升室溫設定及減少空調使用時間,最為有效及可行。在人員密度由6.0 m2/人減少至7.0 m2/人,外氣量隨人員數比例減少,室內空氣品質不受影響,全年空調耗電量可節省約5.0%。室溫設定由24.0℃調高1.0℃時,全年空調耗電量可節省約6.7 %。使用時間從14hr減少為12hr,全年空調耗電量可節省約9.0%。


This study is on the factors of energy saving in an air-conditioned college building. An actual air-conditioned college building was used in a year-long network remote energy data monitoring. A dynamic building energy simulation for various situations was conducted using DOE-2 program. The energy data collected were also used to verify the simulation results. This research also investigated the energy saving benefits and potentials of variable capacity, time and operation factors. The most important energy saving factors include proportional fresh air intake with variation in people density, higher indoor temperature setting, and a reduction of air conditioning usage. A reduction of people density from 6.0m2/person to 7.0 m2/person, with a corresponding reduction in fresh air intake, will maintain the same air quality while contributing to a 5.0% saving of annual energy usage. When raising the indoor temperature from 24℃ to 25℃, the annual energy consumption will decrease by 6.7%. If the air conditioning usage is reduced from 14 hours to 12 hours, a 9.0% reduction can be achieved in energy consumption.


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