  • 學位論文


Urban Campus Interface Transformation - National Taipei University of Technology Guanghua Hall Design

指導教授 : 蔡仁惠


台北市光華區段強調科、教、文意象。國立台北科技大學位於區段內,以新生南路、八德路兩側和光華區段緊鄰。校園西北角之光華館位於此街角上,成為台北科技大學校園與光華區段之直接對口空間。光華館原為國立中央圖書館台灣分館,目前屬電資學院光電系所,原有空間格局除未考量與都市之介面關係外,亦無法滿足目前使用機能及生態環境需求。 本設計論文即依上述需求,探討校園都市介面、人文與生態綠建築議題,依「誘導式結構」理論之操作模型推導出三項目標情境,分別是: 一、「都市校園介面之交疊映象」; 二、「光華區段新地標」; 三、「都市藍帶綠帶匯集的饗宴」。 並依情境轉化之設計概念進行實質設計之操作,將原址光華館重新設計,作為本論文之研究成果。


Scientific, educational and cultural image is highlighted in the Guanghua section of Taipei City. Situated within the parameter, National Taipei University of Technology (NTUT) is joined to Guanghua section on HsinSheng South Road and BaDe Road. At the northwest corner of NTUT campus, Guanghua Hall is located at this crossroads becoming the direct corresponding space between NTUT campus and the Guanghua section. Originally National Taiwan Library, Guanghua Hall is currently the home of College of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Department and Graduate School of Electro-Optical Engineering. The original layout did not take into account the interface relationship with the city. Neither has it been able to meet the functional, ecological or environmental requirements. In accordance with the requirement described above this design paper delves into campus-urban interface, as well as cultural and ecological green architecture issues, and based on the manipulation model of the “heuristic structure” theory identifies the following 3 goal situations through deductions and inductions: 1.“Overlapped images of the campus-urban interface”; 2.“New Landmark of the Guanghua area”; 3.“The feast where the bluebelts and greenbelts of the city converge.” According to the design concept of situation transformation it conducts actual design operations and redesigns Guanghua Hall on its original site as the attainment of this thesis..


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[1] 台北市市政府都市發展局,“市民大道兩側地區都市更新綱要計畫-總結報告書” ,1999.08。


