  • 學位論文


Study and Analyses of Molten Carbonate Fuel Cell (MCFC) Type Cogeneration System Application for Commerical Buildings

指導教授 : 莊嘉琛


隨著各國經濟發展與生活水平提高,使得目前能源需求遽增,加上環境污染日益嚴重,使得先進各國積極尋求二次能源以解決能源短缺及環境污染的問題。二次能源中,以燃料電池有不受自然環境因素影響、效率高、污染低等優點,故將成為未來的新興發電技術。 在高溫燃料電池中,熔融碳酸鹽燃料電池(MCFC)具有內重組改質能力,故有簡化系統特性,非常適合應用於分散型電廠與集中型電廠上。熔融碳酸鹽燃料電池(MCFC)排出的餘廢熱可回收用於氣渦輪機或其他熱源驅動設備組成燃料電池汽電共生系統(FCCS)。 故本論文係針對熔融碳酸鹽燃料電池汽電共生系統(MCFCCS)特性為研究主題,藉以解析熔融碳酸鹽燃料電池、微型渦輪機、吸收式冰水機等影響燃料電池電池汽電共生系統性能參數後,將其應用在熔融碳酸鹽燃料電池汽電共生系統(MCFCCS)上,以期發展出應用高效熔融碳酸鹽燃料電池汽電共生系統之最佳設計規劃。


With the economic development and growing living standard of each country, the demand for energy is terribly increasing. At the same time, resulting from the serious pollution to the environment, all the highly developed countries are trying their best to seek for 2nd energy in order to avoid from energy shortage and environmental pollution. In the scope of 2nd energy, fuel cell has advantages of high efficiency, low pollution, and un-influenced by the environment, and thus would become an emerging technology for the future. In the category of high temperature fuel cell, the Molten Carbonate Fuel Cell (MCFC) has the capability of inner re-structuring. It has the characteristic of system simplification, and is highly applicable in establishing the decentralized and centralized-type power plants. The heat released can be recycled for gas turbines or other heat-driven equipments to constitute Fuel Cell Cogeneration System (FCCS). This thesis focuses on the characteristics of Molten Carbonate Fuel Cell (MCFC) Type Cogeneration System and analyzes how MCFC, MGT affect the performance parameters of MCFCCS. Hopefully this application would generate the optimized design planning for high performed MCFCCS.


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