  • 學位論文


Impacts of Manpower Flexibility Strategy on Job Satisfaction and Organizational Commitment of Nurses Impacts of Manpower Flexibility Strategy on Job Satisfaction and Organizational Commitment of Nurses Impacts of Manpower Flexibility Strategy on Job Satisfaction and Organizational Commitment of Nurses

指導教授 : 黃國哲


在醫療市場激烈競爭之下,醫院管理者所運用的策略雖很重要,但執行過程的成敗關鍵其實是在於醫院能否獲得部屬成員對工作的滿意度,以及對組織的承諾。本研究的目的是針對國內醫院運用人力資源彈性的現況,進而瞭解人力資源彈性的策略對護理人員工作滿意度及組織承諾之影響力。研究母群體為新竹縣市四所醫院護理工作一年以上之臨床護理人員共300人,並以結構式問卷採普查方式進行調查,回收之有效問卷共252份,回收率為84%。 本研究的自變項為人力資源彈性策略,應變項則為工作滿意度及組織承諾,並將護理人員的個人特質列為控制變項。研究結果顯示:(1)人力資源彈性策略中職能彈性策略、薪資彈性策略及數量彈性策略的運用,與護理人員的工作滿意度及組織承諾呈正相關性。(2)護理人員的年齡、工作年資及在院年資與內在滿意度及情感性承諾、規範性承諾呈正相關性。(3)職能彈性策略、薪資彈性策略及數量彈性策略的運用對護理人員的工作滿意度有顯影響力。(4)薪資彈性策略對護理人員的組織承諾有顯著的影響力。(5)護理人員之職務與工作年資對其工作滿意度有顯著性的差異。(6) 護理人員之年齡、在院年資、僱用別、醫院權屬別及職務對護理人員的組織承諾有顯著性的差異。綜而言之,實證結果顯示,人力資源彈性策略運用及護理人員的個人特質對其工作滿意度及組織承諾有顯著性的影響力。本研究之研究結果,應可提供醫院管理者在規劃人力資源管理策略時之參考。 關鍵詞:人力資源彈性策略、工作滿意度、組織承諾。


Due to a very competitive healthcare market, it’s important to leverage a strategy for hospital administration. However, the key point of enforcement process counts on the hostipal crew members’ job satisfaction, and organizational commitment. The purpose of this research is to explore the impact of manpower flexibility strategy on job satisfaction and organizational commitment of nurses who work in domestic hospital utilizing manpower flexibility. Study sample is based on clinic 300 nurses from Hsin-Chu Sien/City four hospitals and who work over one year. A total of 252 structured questionnaires were returned, with an overall response rate of 84%. The independent variable of this research is manpower flexibility strategy and the dependent variable is job satisfaction and organizational commitment. Moreover, the control variable is the personal characteristics of nurses. The study shows (1) the proportional relationship between the leverage of job flexibility strategy, salary flexibility strategy and quantity flexibility strategy and job satisfaction, organizational commitment of nurses. (2) the proportional relationship between nurses age, overall working years, current job working years and internasatisfaction, affective and normative commitment. (3) the remarkable impact of job flexibility strategy, salary flexibility strategy and quantity flexibility strategy on job satisfaction of nurses. (4) the obvious effects of salary flexibility strategy on organizational commitment of nurses. (5) a substantial difference of job satisfaction for different nurses’ title and working experiences. (6) a substantial difference of organizational commitment for different nurses’ age, current job working years, full/part time, title and responsibilities. To sum up, the results reflect manpower flexibility strategy and personal characteristics have a substantial influence on job satisfaction and organizational commitment. The results of this research may provide a reference for hospital administrator while he/she manages manpower management strategy. Key words:Manpower flexibility strategy, Job satisfaction, Organizational commitment.


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