  • 學位論文


The practice of talent management and career development on technical people

指導教授 : 李弘暉


全球電信市場在近十年來有著巨大的轉變。而我國的電信市場隨著各項業務的開放完成,競爭也日益激烈。雖中華電信有著過去數十幾年所打下的根基與客戶群,但是隨著民營業者加入市場競爭勢力後,提出不同的經營策略與市場地位,再加上網路技術日益成熟所形成未來數位匯流的時代,相信不久的將來,整個市場將有可能重新洗牌的機會。 為此,本論文利用個案研究法,透過文獻資料分析與深度訪談的方式進行研究,並選擇A 固網公司電信公司做為研究個案,以探討電信業者面對外部環境現況下,所定義出來具備新一代核心競爭力-下一代網路技術(Next Generation Networks, NGN) 的策略思維,並進而思考如何擁有必備的組織能力-亦即透過人才暨接班人管理制度的評選與一連串相關的培養計畫,再同時連結個人的職涯發展,讓公司在同時具組織競爭力的狀況下,又可以滿足員工在本身職涯規劃上的需求,進而達到人才留任與組織發展的雙重效益。


The last decade of the 20th Century saw unprecedented changes in the global telecommunications industry. In Taiwan, the telecommunications market is becoming more and more competitive along with the telecommunication liberalization. Although Chung-Hwa Telecom has controlled Taiwan telecom market and owned most of customer base for quite a long time, we believe those new joining private-owned telecom companies still have great opportunity to win the market if only they come out with the differentiated business strategy and market positioning. The thesis is come out by case study approach through research analysis and interviewing corporate real practice so as to come out the findings and solutions. In the case study, AAA Telecom was chosen as the target to study the linkage of current telecom environment, business strategy, and its core competency positioning – Next Generation Networks (NGN). After the core competency being defined, we continue to investigate how AAA telecom fostered its corporate capabilities through Talent & succession planning program and Career Development program. By such approach, the company can both enhance the organizational capabilities as well as achieve the talent retention objective.


Ching, T. C. (2007). 師徒制之關鍵成功因素與對生涯發展影響之探討-以3C售後維修服務業為例 [master's thesis, National Taiwan Normal University]. Airiti Library. https://www.airitilibrary.com/Article/Detail?DocID=U0021-2910200810564562
