  • 學位論文


A QFD and FMEA Integrated Model

指導教授 : 蔡 介 元


建構一個QFD與FMEA之整合架構 學生:許 盛 堡 指導教授:蔡 介 元 元 智 大 學 工 業 工 程 與 管 理 學 系(所) 摘 要 在競爭激烈的環境中,企業為了能永續的經營,就必須以多元化的產品來滿足消費者的需求。如何以較低的成本製造出高品質的產品,是企業必須去面對的挑戰。面對顧客多變性及個人化需求,同時又必須快速將產品推出,所以以顧客為導向的產品設計與同步工程概念就受到充分的重視與討論。在同步工程中,最常被使用及討論的則是品質機能展開(Quality Function Deployment, QFD)。QFD以顧客需求為出發,透過二元矩陣將產品之機能逐一展開以反應顧客的需求。然而,QFD卻不能有效的發現產品在生產製程中或在產品推出後,所產生之隱藏性品質問題點。 為了克服QFD技術的缺失,本研究要發展一個整合模式的系統,使得產品之失效資料及負面情報,能有效率且直接地回饋到QFD的產品開發架構中,在初期設計過程中進行修正。於此,我們建構一同步工程導向的產品開發系統,整合品質機能展開(QFD)與失效模式與效應分析(Failure Mode and Effects Analysis, FMEA),我們利用FMEA的方法,建構產品的失效及效應分析表,將評估之風險優先數值(Risk Priority Number, RPN)利用管理上條件P值與k值得定義及調整,經計算後,得到FMEA之權重指數(Fi)值,並予以直接回饋至QFD中。以自行車碟式案例的研究,也實際的證明這個整合模式,能有效的將有失效紀錄的零件項目做修正,成功的達到QFD與FMEA之同步工程發模式。 關鍵詞:同步工程、品質機能展開、失效模式與效應分析。


A QFD and FMEA Integrated Model Student:Shen-Pao Hsu Advisors:Dr. Chieh-Yuan Tsai Department of Industrial Engineering & Management Yuan-Ze University Abstract In today’s highly competitive marketplace, the enterprise must satisfy all customers’ need in various products. To satisfy various customers’ need, producing high quality products by lower cost is the challenge that current enterprise needs to face. Therefore, Concurrent Engineering (CE) are getting more concern to achieve the goal. In CE, the Quality Function Deployment (QFD) is often used and discussed. QFD is based on the customer’s need, and transfer the need to the product functions through a serious of matrix operation. However, it is found that QFD can’t efficiently find out the inner problem caused by the production process or feedback from the marketing. For overcoming the problem of QFD, this research is to develop a integrate system, thus, the failure information of products can be feed backed to the developing structure of QFD directly and efficiently, so that corrections can be made in the beginning of the product design. In this research, we establish a CE product developing system that integrates QFD and failure mode and effects analysis (FMEA). FMEA is used to generate the Risk Priority Number (RPN) from product’s failure and effect chart. The RPN can be affected by some managerial parameters such as P value and k value. After getting the RPN, we would get FMEA weight value (Fi) and it would be feedback to QFD directly. In the study of Bike disc brake case, the integrated model of our research can feedback the failure information of products corrected efficiently during design stage. Keyword: Concurrent engineering (CE); Quality function deployment (QFD); Failure mode and effect analysis (FMEA).


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