  • 學位論文


To achieve just-in-time delivery through establishing IT operation-By auto-parts industry

指導教授 : 張百棧


面對市場全球化、組織扁平化、產業知識快速擴散、新科技對產業的衝擊等變數中,由於近年汽車中心廠為滿足市場要求、快速回應市場需求,不斷的產品創新,以及減少存貨水準以降低成本,中心廠紛紛選擇JIT方式進行生產,縮短前置時間,增加生產效率與效能,以符合現代經營管理上的需求。針對中心廠的改變,汽車零件廠所面臨的最大問題,便是如何對應中心廠的即時供貨模式,因此資訊系統的應用之得宜與否,儼然成為企業經營成敗的重要關鍵。 本研究目的藉由汽車零件業對應中心廠之即時供貨,研究以IT應用為基礎的銷售快速回應與預警系統,將資訊系統功能達到最佳化,並改善其高存貨與物流加速的對應能力,以達到汽車零件業對於中心廠可即時供貨的效益。 在本研究個案公司認為建置以IT應用為基礎的銷售快速回應與預警系統,無論在人員作業效率、管理能力的提升與降低庫存皆有顯著效果。


Taiwan auto-parts manufactures has been facing the impact of market globalization, slimming organization, widespread knowledge and new technology information in the past years. These factors lead the manufactures toward introducing just-in-time(JIT) production system recently, The IT system will help the user to decrease the cost by decreasing stocks, shortening the lead-time, improving the production efficiency & effectiveness and continuing innovations with the market needs. As the automobile industries required, the auto-parts industry has to fulfill JIT delivery to their customers. How to apply the IT information system correctly becomes a key factor to the supplier. The research is aimed at building an IT operation for auto-parts supplier which provides quick response to automobile manufactures on JIT production basis. To establish the prompt sales response & alert feedback system by IT operation implementation, it will optimize the information to improve the stock control and to expedite the logistics management for achieving JIT delivery. The case study/company deems to have significant improvement in production, management and stock control after establishing the quick sales response & alert feedback system by IT operation basis.


Auto-parts industry Just-in-time delivery IT


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