  • 學位論文


The Research on the Integration Model of Volunteer Services-A Case Study of Taoyuan County

指導教授 : 李弘暉博士


志願服務整合模式建立之研究-以桃園縣為例 元智大學管理學院研究生: 陳建松 指導教授:李弘暉博士 [摘要] 民國九十年元月二十日,我國立法公佈施行【志願服務法】,將志願服務行為可以列入升學、就業的部分成績計算。此法已明顯改變國人從事志工的動機和行為,而且也影響到公部門和企業部門的人力資源運用和公關形象等策略,因此有必要做一階段性評估與探討,以提供各界參考。 經研究發現,許多機構推動志願服務過去常常面臨許多困境,志工管理經驗的不足、資源的有限和經費來源拮据等,沒有編列經費,加上中央各志願服務目的事業主管機關尚未建立共同機制,以至於超過半數受訪者,表示沒有發行或寄發志工資訊、沒有向主管機關報備過志願服務計劃、沒有辦理(領取)志工紀錄冊,沒有設立志願服務網站等。另外也發現,許多資深志工尚未接受基礎訓練,以取得紀錄冊登記服務時數,不知道會和他未來權益(權利、義務、榮譽卡等)有關,這些都是法令條文明白規定必須依法辦理的事項,因為基層承辦人大多數為兼辦性質,以及承辦年資不長,加上經費困難而延誤迄今。另外許多民眾無從識別或了解志願服務的管道,這些現象都造成服務供需之間嚴重落差現象,實質阻礙志願服務的立法美意。 研究也發現,幫助別人和志工間相處和諧有超過九成的受訪志工一致認為是最為重要的動機因素,這和歐美國家的民眾相同,幫助別人已經成為普世的價值和志工奉獻服務共同的主要動機。但是,台灣民眾加入志工,對於「志工間相處和諧」認為是非常重要的動機因素,不管是年資和教育程度高低,都一致地認為透過友人介紹,是最有效招募志工途徑,中國人比較注重人際之間的直接互動吸引和感性的訴求有關,這是本土志工特性,和歐美的公民社會主義價值觀顯然不同,此一結果也是志工管理者必須特別留意,才能有助於留住志工的心。志工,是機構寶貴的資源,要了解每個志工的動機,是做好志工計劃的關鍵所在。 本研究發現,,不管是幫助老人就醫、就養、購物、代筆、傾聽(散步聊天)等的老人服務活動,或是兒童服務方面,普遍能讓志工有參加意願。在分析推動志願服務面臨之困境:機構服務活動資訊的宣導不易、 開創新的志工服務方案或項目有困難、缺乏機構可以配合提供服務對象之活動與訊息、機構之間服務資訊流通不足等,是除了經費困難項目外,志工督導普遍的前四個困擾問題。 所有受訪者一致認為是法律中整合機制-志願會報未來需要規劃許多的的功能。有九成以上受訪者表示,未來期待志願會報所發揮之功能以「建構志願服務資訊網站」、「提倡志願服務之理念與風氣」、「協調各機構,提供場地.硬體設備分享志願服務團體」三個項目為最主要的期待。志願會報是資源整合模式有效模式,落實志願服務法有效整合社會人力資源、做最有效之運用、發揚志願服務美德等立法旨意。


The Research on the Integration Model of Volunteer Services A Case Study of Taoyuan County Student : Chien -Song Chen Advisor : Dr. Hung-Hui Li Abstract My study finds that much of the difficulty of promoting the volunteer service results from limited budget and resources, lacking of relevant experiences, and so on. Without the budget and mechanism of coordination among the institutes, more than half of the interviewees reported that they did not report the service plan to the authority bureau, publish regular communications, nor had the volunteer registered web-site. Another finding also reveals that many senior volunteers were not aware of the benefits of basic training, recorded service hours, etc, which may influence their future benefits and honors. Though these are clearly declared item by item by the act, for the part-time characteristic, short history, and limited budget, much of the work has been delayed. Lacking of efficient communication channel also contributes to the gap between supply and demand of the services, holding back the progress and intent of this act. Helping get along with harmoniously is recognized as the most important motivation by most of the interviewees. This is also found in the survey in the States and Europe. The willing to help others has been the shared value and motivation of all the volunteers. However, in our survey, the harmony among volunteers is ranked the most important motivation. Regardless of the age and education, the interviewees all congruently believe the best way to recruit the volunteers is through the introduction by friends. Chinese tend to value the interpersonal interaction and sensible approach. This is the main characteristic of the native volunteers, quite different from the western social-citizenship value. This is the key to retain the volunteers. Volunteers are precious to the institute. Only with the understanding of their motivations can a good volunteer program be operated. We also find that all the volunteers are willing to participate in the care of the elderly and the children. The barriers to promote the volunteer service are the information delivery, new service innovation, the shared information among the institutes. All the interviewees agreed that the integration mechanism, the volunteer committee, should incorporate many functions. More than ninety percent of the interviewees highly expect the committee to build up the information web site, promote the concept and common practice of volunteer services, and coordinate the institutes, venues, and hardware all volunteer service groups. This committee is the effective model of resource integration. It can help the volunteers participate in the social services and cultivate modern citizenship, realizing the Volunteer Service Act.


NPO NGO Volunteer Integration Citzen Service Thrid sector Human Resource


陳曼麗(2008)。中年退休人力再開發可行性之研究 以志願服務工作者為例〔碩士論文,元智大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://www.airitilibrary.com/Article/Detail?DocID=U0009-3001200811252500
