  • 學位論文


The Effects of Risk Pooling and Direct Shipment on the Multi-Echelon Equipment Maintenance System – A Simulation Study of a Military Equipment

指導教授 : 丁慶榮


國軍裝備維修妥善率一直是國家軍力的重要指標之一,良好的存貨管理策略也會影響裝備供應鏈妥善率,本研究在現有存貨策略下,導入企業供應鏈中的風險共擔及直接運送的觀念,期使不讓裝備修護的成本提高,並且降低對裝備在需求上有缺貨而造成的停用損失。而風險共擔及直接運送觀念應用於維修系統,可有效提供裝備更高妥善率及降低系統運作成本的有效工具。 本研究係以國軍某裝備系統為研究對象,探討在既有的性能規格、部署配置及後勤體系下,裝備系統於服役期間,各項變因對其保修作業績效—妥善率之影響。裝備系統後勤補保作業、裝備系統可靠度、料件消耗及獲補時程等影響妥善率之因素均為時間之動態函數,在參數、變因均極繁複情況下,較難以解析之方式解算,故本研究以系統模擬的方法,利用電腦模擬語言 (SIMSCRIPT II.5) 以離散事件 (Discrete-Event)觀念建構裝備系統妥善率與後勤相關作業的模擬模式,評估的績效為裝備妥善率及系統總成本,其中系統總成本包括採購成本、存貨成本、運送成本及缺貨成本等。研究結果發現,本研究所建構之模擬模式在加入風險共擔後可降低系統成本達4611.28萬元(2.75%),若再加上直接運送更可有效提升裝備妥善率增幅最大達2.72(3.2%),故可有效評估分析相關因素對保修績效 (妥善率) 之影響,研究結果可供相關決策之參考。 關鍵字:風險共擔,直接運送,妥善率,系統成本,供應鏈。


Military equipment supply chain encompasses network of customers and suppliers, and deal with a wide variety of items. Demand inside the network is generated at the unit level at a specific base. The demand from the bases in aggregated to upstream service depots. The multi-echelon maintenance supply chain often results in unnecessary cost and delay times, as well as low equipment availability at the bases. Risk pooling is a new inventory management concept that reduces the demand variability by sharing the inventory across different locations. This reduction in variability allows a decrease in inventory cost and increase the fulfillment rate. Direct shipment strategies exist to bypass the middle echelons. The supplier delivers goods directly to the bases to reduce the lead time. This research assesses the effect of applying these two commercial practices to the multi-echelon military maintenance supply chain, and then evaluates the results by using a simulation model. In this research, we use SIMSCIPT II.5 to develop a simulation model of the military equipments. In this model, there are six independent bases supported by three intermediate units and a single depot. We compare three inventory strategies: the current operation, risk pooling strategy, and risk pooling plus direct shipment. Our simulation results show that the risk pooling plus direct shipment strategy can reduce the system cost by more than 46 million NT dollars (2.75%) and increase the equipment availability by 2.72%. Keyword: Risk Pooling, Direct Shipment, Equipment Availability, Total System Cost, Supply Chain.


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