  • 學位論文


The Study of the Influences of Current Economical Situation in Taiwan upon Human Resource Management Pratices -Case of SMEs of IT Industry

指導教授 : 郭敏珣


台灣的經濟發展過程十分艱辛,在歷經數十年的努力後,由於經濟的快速發展,曾被譽為世界的「經濟奇蹟」,同時也與新加坡、香港及韓國並列為「亞洲四小龍」;然而自1997年亞洲金融風暴迄今,台灣的經濟發展受到內外部環境的影響;自2000年以來,經濟成長大幅下滑;2001年甚至出現了2.2%的負成長,經濟發展的受挫,也使得失業率大幅上揚、社會問題叢生。 本論文即探討台灣經濟現況對台灣科技產業之中小企業人力資源管理之影響;在知識經濟的潮流中,面對台灣經濟成長衰退的現況,中小企業如何因應調整其人力資源管理的作為,並在這個著重研發創新的時代中,營造永續經營的競爭力。 在研究過程中,除以文獻探討當前台灣經濟衰退的成因外,並利用質性的研究方法,以焦點團體訪談(Focus Groups Interview),深入了解科技產業之中小企業對當前台灣經濟衰退的認知與人力資源管理的因應做法,同時並提出對企業實務的建議。全文主要結果為: 一、台灣近年經濟衰退的原因分析 依據受訪者的意見,整理、歸納造成台灣近年經濟衰退的原因,主要為國際不景氣的影響、國內政治的混亂及中國大陸經濟發展的磁吸效應。 二、當前科技產業之中小企業的經營困境 由於經濟成長衰退,科技產業之中小企業在外部劇烈競爭及內部資源有限的狀況下,面臨的經營問題有東南亞國家的低廉成本、中國大陸的仿冒及產業轉型的因境,而在面對知識經濟的時代趨勢,優質的人力資源成為組織存續發展及因應變局的重要關鍵因素。 三、目前科技產業之中小企業所遭遇的人力資源管理與發展問題 經由受訪人力資源主管的經驗中,提出目前科技產業之中小企業所遭遇的人力資源管理與發展問題,計有研發人力的短缺、人力離職率居高不下、優秀人才難覓、組織為降低成本而調整薪資、福利措施等等,中小企業未能建構長期有效的人力資源管理與發展機制,將會影響組織的存續與發展。 四、科技產業之中小企業,其人力資源管理作法受經營者理念的影響 因應外在環境的變化,科技產業之中小企業嚴密控管人事成本,然而在面對人力競逐的新時代,又必須嚴選人才,以優質人力來達成組織的使命;但是中小企業經營者堅毅、不服輸的特質,時常忽略當前員工價值觀的改變,如果不能站在人力資源發展的角度上從事人力資源的相關作業,將會影響組織人力資本的培育與蓄積。 五、提出對未來研究之建議 由於影響台灣經濟成長的因素眾多,而個別產業受經濟衰退影響的程度互異,藉由本研究過程可發現許多的問題,都值得未來作為探討經濟狀況及組織人力資源管理與發展的研究主題及方向。 六、提出對企業界的人力資源管理實務建議 科技產業之中小企業雖在內部資源有限的狀況下,仍必須強化重視人力資源的管理與發展,才能在知識經濟的潮流中,以人力資源戰勝高度競爭的大環境。


As a result of the rapid growth and development of the economy worldwide, Taiwan had been especially honored for producing an “economical miracle.” Taiwan’s reputation in economic development has been as good as what Singapore, Hong Kong and Korea has, and these four countries have been known as “Four Asian Dragons.” Since 1997, however, the economy in Taiwan has been influenced badly by the Asia financial crisis. An negative economic growth in Taiwan showed in 2001; economic and societal problems started to reveal. This research aims to discuss the influences of the current economical situation on human resource management (HRM) practices─mainly focuses on the small and medium enterprises (SMEs) of IT industry in Taiwan. First, the author hopes to explore and understand the factors that cause the economic decline during the past few years in Taiwan. Second, the author hopes to understand how Taiwan’s SMEs of IT industry restructure their HRM practices and remain competitive when facing current economic situation domestically and worldwide. By conducting focus group interviews, the author uses a qualitative research methodology to answer the research questions. And, the author concludes as the following: 1. Factors that cause economic decline in Taiwan Some of the main reasons that caused a decline in Taiwan’s economy during the past few years are due to the worldwide economic depression, domestic political chaos and the rapid economic development of Great China. 2. Current business difficulties for SMEs of IT industry in Taiwan Due to the setback on the economy, some of the operational challenges and difficulties that the SMEs of IT industry in Taiwan have confronted are the low- cost pressures from the South East Asia countries, the struggles of the domestic industrial transformation, and an imitation situation in China, etc. When meeting the challenges of the trend of knowledge economy, the SMEs of IT industry in Taiwan have to have high quality of human resources in order to remain competitive. 3. Issues in the areas of human resource management and development that the SMEs of IT industry in Taiwan face Some of the problems of human resource management and development have been indicated by interviewees in this study are: a shortage in R&D human resources, a high turn-over rate, difficulties in recruiting excellent workers, a need to readjust wage and welfare to reduce costs, etc. If the SMEs of IT industry were not able to construct an efficient system of human resource management and development, a long-term business development will be seriously influenced. 4. Leaders’ impact on HRM practices in the SMEs of IT industry in Taiwan When facing the environmental challenges, the SMEs of IT industry in Taiwan strictly control costs on staffing. However, because an efficient recruitment policy and practice are also needed to fulfill organizations’ mission, the values of employees are often neglected nowadays. Therefore, if the leaders in organizations were not able to recognize the value of human capitals and evaluate the importance of them from the angles of HR management and development, the cultivation and accumulation of human resources in organizations will be affected. 5. Suggestions for HRM practices in Taiwan Through this research, some challenges and difficulties facing by the SMES of IT industry in Taiwan are being discovered and discussed. Although domestic resources in Taiwan’s SMEs of IT industry are limited, the importance of HR management and development still needs to be emphasized. It is concluded that, in the economy of knowledge, a competitive advantage of HRM practices can beat off the competition from the environment.


Human Resource Management


Becker, B., & Gerhart. B. (1996), The impact of human resource management on organizational performance:A progress and prospects. Academy of Management Journal, 39(4):pp.779-801.


葉芷吟(2008)。半導體產業人力資源管理師專業職能 及訓練需求之研究〔碩士論文,國立臺北科技大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://www.airitilibrary.com/Article/Detail?DocID=U0006-2007200817173100
