  • 學位論文


Forming and operating characteristics of heterogeneous research alliance─A case study based on the alliance of digital inkjet textile printing

指導教授 : 徐 學 忍


本研究以數位式噴墨印花聯盟為主題,描述異業整合型產業研發聯盟合作夥伴的尋找過程,及研發聯盟組成後的運作特性分析,研究結果發現,具有互補性資源的核心技術及開發能力的廠商,才是找尋合作夥伴的指標,也是共組異業研發聯盟合作夥伴的先決條件,如果所需資源越複雜或者能力之隱藏性越高,則要找到適當的夥伴越難,所需的尋找時間越長;異業研發聯盟因廠商之間產業不同,沒有市場競爭因素及技術外溢顧慮,且彼此之間因合作夥伴的信任關係,更能充分的技術分享及交流,藉由廠商之間的技術分享與互補功能,可以有效地促進研發效率,減少研發經費支出,縮短研發時程,加速新產品的上市及新興產業的誕生。 本研究計畫的數位式噴墨印花聯盟因組成廠商產業特性不同,初期有財團法人紡研中心當計畫的發起人,協助整合、溝通協調,及政府在研發經費的補助,才得以組成聯盟進行研發工作,執行中又有經濟部技術處的監督與查核,及在研發管理制度的協助,都對研發聯盟的運作及研發計畫的順利進行,提供許多實質且不可缺少的幫助,對產、官、研三者的合作模式提供了一個良好的典範與見證。


Through a case study of Digital Ink-Jet Textile Printing strategic alliance, we try to explore the distinct characteristic of finding partners and operating process. The preconditions to be a good partner are firms with needed core technology of the developing product. Because of no competitive concern, partners can exchange information more freely. In addition, because of capability complementary, alliance has high research efficiency, shorter developing time and lower research cost. Because partners are in different industry, China Textile Institute(CTI) plays the role of initiator, coordinator and arbiter. Ministry of Economic Affair’s granting research subsidy, supplying structure of alliance contract, auditing and controlling of alliance process and results are also important to the success of the alliance. This case is an evidence that the cooperation of industry、research institute and government are all necessary to the success of an research alliance.


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