  • 學位論文


An Analysis of Virtual Team Applied to the Digital Media Design in Communication and Collaborative Procedure: The Study of the Team of Interactive Multimedia Design

指導教授 : 陳偉如 許明潔


藉由資訊與溝通應用技術的發達,與大量的專業設計人才培育。數位媒體設計,得以運用虛擬團隊的合作方式,整合不同領域與分散各地的專業人才,共同完成設計任務。因此,數位媒體設計在設計合作的過程中,如何打破時空的限制,進行溝通與協調合作的問題變得日益重要。 本研究整合相關文獻,並針對業界目前虛擬合作之互動多媒體設計的團隊進行個案訪談。探討互動多媒體設計團隊,進行虛擬合作的意義,以及如何以虛擬合作之方式進行設計活動。並歸納出互動多媒體設計虛擬團隊的溝通策略與合作流程,以及分析數位媒體設計團隊進行虛擬合作之優勢與劣勢。 研究結果顯示,運用虛擬團隊之合作方式,進行數位媒體設計,確實有其需求。然其虛擬合作的必要性與效益,應考量團隊的三個主要面向:(1)團隊建置的目標與成員架構(2)團隊連結所使用的工具與設計溝通資訊(3)團隊設計任務與虛擬合作流程。本研究乃以上述三個面向為基礎,進行探討與分析。


Due to the development of information and communication technologies and a growing number of professional designers, the digital media design has to adopt the concept of virtual team to integrate the professionals among various fields at different places so that they can accomplish the mission jointly. Therefore, the communication and the procedure for collaboration between the professional during the virtual design process become a challenging issue. This thesis discussed, through a literature review, the needs to build a virtual team of interactive multimedia design, and how it works. It then explored 4 case studies to examine the current problems faced by the virtual team in collaborating and communicating the design. It finally compared the merits and drawbacks in adopting the virtual team during the digital media design. The findings of this thesis show that the concept of the virtual team applied to the digital media design is valid and effective. However, a successful virtual teamwork requires the following conditions: (1) team target and member structure defined; (2) team members’ connection tools developed and the design information conveyed (3) the procedure for collaboration made.


virtual team digital media design


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