  • 學位論文


A Study of Proffessional Skill and Talent Development for Game Designers in Taiwan

指導教授 : 梁朝雲 張文山


本研究所欲探討之研究範圍,將以數位內容產業中,快速發展之遊戲產業,作為主要的研究範圍。我國數位內容產業發展之目標既已確立,培育數位內容相關產業之專業人才,即成為推動產業發展的第一步工作,因此本研究將基於國內數位內容產業發展之際,提出對於遊戲產業創意企劃人員專業能力之探討,以及人才培育研究,以期對於將來國內遊戲產業之人才教育,提供可供未來參考之相關研究。 本研究以深度訪談法為主要之研究方法,並輔以參與觀察法,彙整遊戲創意企劃人員之觀點,茲將結論摘錄如下: 1.創意企劃人員之實務製作實況與企劃流程:多數的遊戲公司尚未建立 起一套制式的遊戲企劃流程,但亦漸漸朝向具有層層檢核制度的企劃流程;企劃實務困難為部門溝通產生障礙、技術能力不足、市場趨勢轉、變時間、人力、資金不足等。 2.國內遊戲產業創意企劃人員之專業能力:受訪者認為遊戲創意企劃人員應具備之專業能力,依序為程式能力、美術能力、文案撰寫能力、遊戲分析能力、通識知識與學習能力、語文能力、與其它相關能力。 3.專業人才培育方式之規劃:國內相關教育課程規劃應注重,遊戲企劃課程、遊戲程式課程、遊戲美術相關課程、實習課程、通識課程、創意課程、語文課程、專案管理課程、傳播相關課程、及其它課程等;民間企業短期培訓課程規劃應注重,實務操作為快速培訓企劃人員的最好方式,其次是遊戲企劃流程的講解,以及遊戲製作的觀念。


This paper is to discuss the game industry which is one of the highly developed industry in the digital content industry. Since the ambition of digital content industry in Taiwan is established firmly, the first step to develop digital content industry should be personnel training. This paper is to discuss which domain knowledge should a game designer have, and how to train them to have the professional skill. The result of this paper is to suggest the next education of professionals in game industry in Taiwan. In-depth interviews is the major research way which is taken in this paper, participant observation is another additional way. In summary of game designers’ opinion, the results are as follows: 1.The actual situation and the process of developing games for game designers: many game companies haven’t develop the systemic process for game designing, but they have kept a check on game designing gradually. The problems for actual game designing are as follows: the problem in communicating with different departments, the insufficient professional skill, the changing market trade, and insufficient human resource and capital. 2.The professional skill for game designers in Taiwan: in order as the interviewees’ opinion, they think the domain knowledge for game designers should be programming ability, art ability, proposal writing ability, game analyzing ability, general knowledge and learning ability, language and literature ability, and others. 3.The scheme for personnel training: in Taiwan the courses for game designers should be taken as the following program: designing program, programming program, art program, practical training program, general knowledge program, creativity training program, language and literature program, project management program, communication program, and others. Planning the personnel training courses in private companies should notice the following rules: At first, practical training is the best way to train game designers rapidly. Secondly, explanation for game design process should be taken. Finally, concept for game design is also important.


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