  • 學位論文


Value and Mission Analysis on the Nonprofit Organizations –A research of Organizational Gene Engineering

指導教授 : 王秉鈞


隨著時代的發展,同性質的非營利組織越來越多,社會資源分散,社會資源都以「點」的方式存在。這樣的情況勢必產生競爭資源,有些非營利組織為了組織存續,將精力花費在取得資源,反而忽略了非營利組織的根基—使命。當非營利組織完成使命時,大多數研究上都在討論如何進行使命上的轉換,但鮮少有研究提及非營利組織使命完成時,組織進行組織解散的動作。 本研究以消費者文教基金會、中華救助總會、主婦聯盟環境保護基金會為個案研究對象,先透過收集個案相關文獻,進行初步的分析,討論個案近年來的使命情況與績效表現,再訪談相對應事業主管機關組織,以政府的角度來了解個案的使命情況與績效表現,再透過組織基因工程-基因圖譜來進行整合分析個案的使命是否完成,接著透過研究問卷了解社會大眾對於非營利組織使命完成,進行組織解散的想法,最後再進一步討論非營利組織的使命完成時,是否應進行解散的動作。


With the movement of time, there are more and more NPOs with the same property ,this causes the social resources scattered .Such a situation certainly will make the NPOs competing the limited resources, they waste energy for obtaining life saving resources, however ,in the meantime, they neglected the real essence of nonprofit organization -Mission. When a nonprofit organization finishes its mission, great majority of research focus on mission conversion, so as to keep its activities going , But the research seldom mentions dismissing itself while mission of nonprofit organization is achieved. This research studies three NPOs, i.e. the Consumer’s Foundation, the Chinese Association for Relief and Ensuing Services, and the Homemaker’s Union and Foundation as the research cases. First we collected the relevant documents of the organization to do the preliminary analysis, and discuss the mission situation, and performance of the case in recent years. Then we interviewed the authority of the corresponding NPO, we used the Organizational Gene Engineering-Gene Mapping method to analyze the cases, then surveyed the opinion of the general public on what to do once the mission of the NPOs is fulfilled.


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