  • 學位論文


The Successful Model and Economic Benefit Evaluation for introducing RFID System into Distribution Center

指導教授 : 湯玲郎


在供應鏈的流程裡,實體商品之配銷過程,物流中心扮演集中分配的角色,物流中心的作業品質與效率,對供應鏈之效益影響至鉅。而物流產業屬於辛苦、骯髒、危險的服務業,在國內現階段大部份物流中心都是屬於人力化的層次,少部份是屬於合理化或自動化的層次。因此物流產業經營者莫不絞盡腦汁,朝作業自動化、資訊電子化方向努力,以改善作業流程、縮短作業時間、提升庫存準確及效率等。 近幾年無線射頻識別系統RFID(Radio Frequency Identification)技術運用與快速發展,並應用在各個產業中已漸成熟。本文先搜集國內外相關文獻與實際導入後之資料,提出一個廠商導入新系統的方法或成功模式,並以某一個案公司的低溫物流中心為例,其倉儲環境溫度有冷凍-18℃、冷藏+3℃、空調+15℃等三種溫層。本研究將藉由此個案探討低溫物流中心倉儲作業管理,導入RFID之成功模式為何與效益評估,研究結果提供個案公司與關連產業,導入RFID技術與運用之參考。期望經由本研究提出的方法,協助個案公司計劃導入RFID技術運用於低溫倉儲作業管理,以提升低溫倉儲作業品質與績效。 本研究認為物流中心導入RFID之成功模式,應循資料蒐集、徵詢廠商、提案評比、專案啟動等四步驟,以專案管理模式審慎評估執行與管控。依此模式預期導入後將會大幅提升物流中心倉儲作業績效,而庫存資訊準確率的提升,會獲得客戶長期信賴,增加營業收益達成專案計畫目標。


In the supply chain, DC (distribution center) plays the role of collecting and distributing of physical material. Therefore, the operation quality and efficiency of DC is the determinant factor to the success of the supply chain. Warehousing & Transportation is a hardworking and dangerous service industry, it is still very labor intensive at the moment though there are few enterprises with well-done rationalization and automation. Most of DC managers have been devoting on operation automation and data digitization in order to improve the operation process, shorten operation time, increase inventory accuracy and efficiency. In the recent years, RFID has been maturely developed and quickly applied in many of different industries. In this thesis, the proposed method set up a successful model for an enterprise by adopting RFID system and explaining it using a case study of a certain low temperature distribution center. This low temperature DC owns three temperature ranges, -18℃, +3℃ and +15℃. In this study, we will discuss firstly about the existing warehousing operation system, then applying in of RFID system and finally economic benefit evaluation. Hopefully, this model can be applied to related industry for introducing RFID technology to warehousing operation of low temperature DC. In this thesis, the proposed steps of a successful model to phase in RFID system can be divided into four steps: (1) information collection, (2) discussion with enterprise, (3) proposals for evaluation, and (4) kick off of project. According to the model, the executors can deliberately evaluate the result after execution and expect for a great warehousing performance, better inventory information, then get a long terms firm trust from customers, and eventually create more benefits for the enterprise.


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