  • 學位論文


A Study of the Relationship Between the Knowledge Management and the Administrative Achievements of General Affairs Office in the Elementary Schools–a case in Taoyuan County

指導教授 : 林利萱


廿一世紀是知識經濟的時代,要使其知識有價值,唯有透過有系統的管理、有組織的學習。學校是傳遞知識的主要場所,更是無法避免知識管理在校園中應用的潮流,行政工作更是如此,而本文旨在探討桃園縣國民小學總務處知識管理與行政績效之研究。   本研究之目的主要為:   一、瞭解國民小學總務處知識管理與行政績效之現況。   二、探討不同變項下的國民小學總務處知識管理之差異情形。   三、探討不同變項下的國民小學總務處行政績效之差異情形。   四、分析國民小學總務處知識管理與行政績效之相關性。   五、探究國民小學總務處知識管理對行政績效的預測能力。   六、根據研究結果,提出具體建議作為未來教育行政機關與國民小學總務處之參考。   為達上述目的,本研究採取文獻分析和問卷調查法,以桃園縣96學年度公立國民小學現職之總務主任為對象,採全面普查。本研究,共計發出187份問卷,回收173份,回收率為92.51%,有效問卷171 份,可用率達98.8%。所得資料以敘述統計法、t檢定、單因子變異數分析及薛費事後比較分析、皮爾遜積差相關、逐步多元迴歸分析等統計方法及簡易模糊理論,獲得主要結論如下:   一、國民小學總務處知識管理之認知重要性及績效表現現況屬高程度。   二、國民小學總務處行政績效之認知重要性及績效表現現況屬高程度。   三、不同背景變項下的國民小學總務處知識管理的差異情形不一,在知識管理的績效表現上性別、總務主任總年資、學校規模均存在差異性。   四、不同背景變項下的國民小學總務處行政績效無顯著差異。   五、國民小學總務處知識管理與行政績效有正相關,當知識管理程度越高時,單位行政績效表現越高。   六、國民小學總務處知識管理對行政績效有預測能力,以「知識應用」、「知識轉化」、「知識創新」為最具預測能力。


Twenty century is the time of "economy of knowledge." To make knowledge valuable, one must organize and manage it.Schools are the main place of knowledge transmission, especially in the area of Administration, Therefore, the thesis focuses on the study of the relationship between the Knowledge Management and the Administrative Achievements of General Affairs Office in the elementary schools in Taoyuan County.   The main Goal of research as the followings:   Firstly,to understand the current applications of Knowledge Management and Administration Achievements of General Affairs Offices in the variable elementary schools.   Secondly,to discuss the differences of Knowledge Management among variable General Affairs Offices in the elementary schools.   Thirdly,to discuss the differences of Administrative Achievements among variable General Affairs Offices in the elementary schools.   Fourthly,to analyze the correlations between the Knowledge Management and the Administrative Achievements of General Affairs Office in the elementary schools.   Fifthly,to inquire the predictability of General Affairs Office's Knowledge Management to the Administrative Achievements in the elementary schools.   Sixthly, according to the research, to propose the concrete references to the educational institutions and the elementary-schools’ General Affairs Office.   In order to attain the research purposes, the methods applied on this study are literature review and questionnaire investigation.This research takes the comprehensive survey to the incumbent directors of General Affairs Office in the school years of ninety-six in Taoyuan-County public elementary schools.This research totally sends out 187 to ask the volume, recycles 173, the returns-ratio is 92.51%, and gets the effectively asked volume 171, the applicabity-ratio is 98.8%.The data were analyzed by descriptive statistics t-test, one-way ANOVA, Scheffé Method , Pearson product moment correlation , Stepwise multiple regression analysis ,and simple fuzzy theory to test the hypothesis. The results are as follows:   Firstly, the cognition of importance and achievements performance present the situation in the national elementary school General Affairs Office knowledge management is the high degree.   Secondly, the cognition of importance and achievements performance present the situation in the national elementary school General Affairs Office administration achievements is the high degree.   Thirdly, the different backgrounds of the elementary school General Affairs Office have the different knowledge management; the achievements differenciate from the sexes, the working years of directors of General Affairs Office, and the scales of school.   Fourthly, the different background variables of the elementary-school General Affairs Office administration achievements do not reveal the difference.   Fifthly, the elementary-school General Affairs Office knowledge management and the administrative achievements have positive connection, that is, the more knowledge management regulation the directors of General Affairs Office own, the administrative achievements performance is higher.   Sixthly,the elementary-school General Affairs Office's "Knowledge Management" has the forecast strength to the administrative achievements, taking "the knowledge application, "and "the knowledge transforms," and "the knowledge innovation" as the most.


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