  • 學位論文



指導教授 : 郭敏珣


民國八十九年推行促進民間參與公共建設法後,我國以公辦民營方式經營之公益或非公益性質的設施與建設即被付予全新的生氣及經營方式,而其中以公益性質為主的公共建設,更是一方面考驗著受委託組織如何兼顧自身盈虧外,亦能落實原建設之公益性目的。 本研究主體「桃園縣婦女館」即於民國九十四年一月一日開始,經由桃園縣政府以營運移轉之方式委託元智大學經營。其中處於經營者角色的元智大學,自接手經營後,便為桃園縣婦女館開啟了另一個開始,無論是從內部營運方式、人員調度、資源分配、或至對外提供之服務。所以本研究以元智大學經營三年多的這個時間點,從客觀的使用數值資料與各顧客群對婦女館滿意程度之蒐集,以提供經營者了解婦女館現在的經營狀況,或作為改善方向之參考依據。 本研究除蒐集婦女館從過去至現在之相關經營資訊外,並且利用調查研究的方式,依顧客之特質將其分為三大類:場地租借者、場地使用者、與一般民眾。亦因調查問卷設計之限制,依其於婦女館之使用特性分成:場地租借者之問卷(簡稱問卷一,有效樣本回收65份,有效回收率為92.86%)與場地使用者與一般民眾之問卷(簡稱問卷二,有效樣本回收863份,有效回收率為90.94%)。研究結果上,不單系統地彙整各問卷之人口統計變數、使用行為、及建議與意見,更從其對婦女館之滿意與重視程度中發現,場地租借者認為需加強改善的地方有:直接使用場地之設備與租借費用;場地使用者與一般民眾則是認為交通便利度、場地硬體設備、與館內洗手間為婦女館需加強改善之處。


In the year 2000, the Taiwanese government implemented the Laws Promoting Private Participation in Public Constructions. Since then, the government has operated both non-profit and profitable facilities and constructions in a state-run manner. Such an approach has brought about a new way of management. A special challenge for the public constructions with a non-profit nature is, on the one hand, to monitor its financial status and, on the other hand, to fulfill their purposes. This study involves the Center for Women in Taoyuan County which was commissioned to Yuan Ze University by Taoyuan County government and this project started on January 1, 2005. This government owned but privately managed organization has experienced a big change since the center was outsourced to Yuan Ze University. Yuan Ze University has adopted a new approach to operate the Center for Women in Taoyuan Country from the internal operation, personnel allotment, resources distribution to customer services. Focusing on this nearly three-year operation, the study has collected, arranged, and analyzed the data gathered from customers in order to help the management level to understand the current operating status of this center or provide references for future improvement. The study has not only collected the data related to the operation of the Center for Women in Taoyuan Country during the past three years but also surveyed the consumers through questionnaires. The subjects sampled in the study can be divided into three types: the venue borrowers, the venue users and the common public. Questionnaires are designed and classified based on the types of customers. One questionnaire is targeted at the borrowers (Questionnaire 1) and the other is targeted at the users and the common public (Questionnaire 2). Effective sample size is 65 for the former (92.86%) and 863 for the latter (90.94%). The results have not only systematically compiled the variables in population statistics, behavior of use and feedback listed in each questionnaire but also used the Importance-Performance Analysis on the Center to investigate the direction for improvement. The analysis indicates that most venue borrowers believe the facilities and the charges require the most improvement, and the venue users and the common public believe that most improvement should be made regarding the level of traffic convenience, the facilities, and the restrooms in the Center.


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