  • 學位論文


Exploration on the Privatization Feasibility of Social Welfare— A Case Study on Women Institute of Taoyuan County

指導教授 : 謝登旺 李弘暉


公辦社會福利機制民營化之可行性探討-以桃園縣婦女館為例 學生:陳賢宗 指導教授:謝登旺 李弘暉 元智大學管理研究所 論文摘要 台灣經過近數十年來的經濟快速成長,國民所得至去(89)年巳達14,188美元(主計處網站公布之統計表),人民對政府社會福利的需求巳從過去「殘補的」 (residual)社會福利,進化到「制度的」(institutional)社會福利;也就是說社會福利不再只是為了彌補常態性供應結構破敗的後果(如對殘障者的照顧、失業救濟等),而是進一步將社會福利服務視為一種現代工業社會?邞滷`態、及一項重要的功能(像老人年金、幼兒保育、社區大學、全民健保等)。隨著社會福利項目的增加,社會福利所需的預算也日漸擴大,終將排擠其他重要業務的預算(如教育、公共建設等),另外公務部門通常較缺乏企業經營的競爭概念,也使社會福利的提供變的沒有效率而且品質普遍不佳,為解決此種不利現象,社會福利民營化似乎是一條可行的途徑。 本研究的目的是希望藉由桃園縣婦女館民營化評估的實際案例來探討社會福利民營化的可行性,其中包括民眾認同度分析、民營化可能產生的優缺點分析、委託方式及委託對象之分析、委託對象的條件及評選標準分析、政府監督及善後處理的分析,研究的結果一來可提供桃園縣政府在作評估時的有力依據,另外也可以作為政府其他社會福利部門在進行社會福利民營化評估時的參考資料。


社會福利 民營化


Exploration on the Privatization Feasibility of Social Welfare — A Case Study on Women Institute of Taoyuan County Student:Shian-Tzung Chen Advisors:Dr. Deng-Wang Hsieh Dr. Hong-Hui Li Institute of Management Yuan-Ze University Abstract The growth in economy in Taiwan has been propelled in the past thirty years to make its national income (up to 2000) come to 14,188 U.S. Dollars according to the statistics published on the website of Directorate — General of BAS. With this, the social welfare needed by people has been evolved from the past “residual” type to the “institutional”. It means that social welfare is no more the outcome of compensating the spoiled structure of normal supply(for example, the care on the disabled, the relief on the unemployed and etc.). Instead, it is taken as a normal manner as well as an important function in a modern industrial society (such as the aged reward, infant nursing, community college, health insurance of all nationals and so on). As the items of social welfare increase, the budget of social welfare grows accordingly, which will eventually overweigh other important budgets as education, public construction and so on. Further, the lack of competition sense of enterprising management in public departments often leads to the inefficiency and poor quality of the services provided by social welfare. To solve such unfavorable problems, it seems feasible to have social welfare privatized. The purpose of this study is to explore the feasibility of the privatization of social welfare through the case study on the Women Institute of Taoyuan County, in which different analysis is to be conducted as the populace consensus, the advantage and disadvantage to be probably resulted in the privatization, the consigned methods and the consigned objects, the conditions and selection criteria of the consigned objects, the governmental supervision and after-contract management. The result of the study will, on the one hand, be provided as an evidence for Taoyuan County Government to make an evaluation and, on the other hand, served as the reference for the social welfare departments of other county governments to process their evaluation on the privatization of social welfare.


Social Welfare Privatization


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