  • 學位論文


A Study on Needs and Participation of Recreational Activities by Elite Women's Groups in Taoyuan County

指導教授 : 謝登旺


自政府實施週休二日開始,全民的休閒時間增加,人們有更多的時間來充實生活,休閒生活已是現代人生活中重要的一環。長久以來,在傳統父權社會影響下,忽視女性的權利與感受,但隨著經濟的快速發展、社會變遷、婦女受教育人口及教育水準的大幅提升,再加上兩性平等觀念倡導,許多的因素使得女性的自主權提高,女性開始走出傳統家庭主婦角色的束縛,走出家庭進入社會,女性的權益受到社會的重視,當然也包括了休閒的這個部分。 本研究主要探討桃園縣婦女社團菁英的休閒需求及參與,試圖了解婦女社團菁英的休閒動機與需求、剖析其休閒的阻礙因素及因應之道,同時期望找出桃園縣婦女休閒的未來努力目標。本文研究之發現,針對婦女個人、婦女社團、政府單位、教育及企業等提出研究建議。 一、婦女個人方面:提升婦女的個人自覺,追求平等的休閒權利;充 實婦女個人的休閒知能,積極參與休閒活動。 二、婦女社團方面:與政府部門合作,推動辦理各項婦女活動;培養婦女領導人,帶動社區婦女從事休閒活動。 三、政府單位方面:設置婦女休閒的資訊平台;提供安全、普及優質的休閒環境。 四、教育方面:將休閒教育融入學校教育中;從學校教育到終身教育。 五、企業方面:量身訂做不同的婦女休閒市場;以行銷的方式引起婦女參與休閒的興趣。


Since the official implementation of the two-day break for the workforce each week, people have been having more leisure time and quality time. Recreational activities have become a quintessential part of modern life. Patriarchal in the past, the society overlooked women’s needs to relax and unwind. However, with social and economic advances, the society nowadays has a better-educated female populace, improved gender equality, and elevated women’s rights to self-assertion. Women are now not merely housewives but are active members of the community, possessing the prerogative to relax when needed. This paper is a study on the needs of women’s recreational groups in the County of Taoyuan and the recreational activities they partake in. The paper analyzes some issues to their undertakings and delineates some potential aims and objectives. The study has the following recommended guidelines for individuals, groups, the government, schools and businesses: 1) For women individually: To ameliorate the female self-image; to pursue the equal right to recreation; to improve the awareness of available recreational activities and to participate in such activities. 2) For social groups: To cooperate with government agencies to organize events for women; and to train female community leaders for such events. 3) For government agencies: To set up information centers for women’s recreations; and to provide secure, accessible, and quality settings for recreation. 4) For educational institutions: To incorporate recreation into the curriculum; to broaden the scope of learning from academic to pragmatic. 5) For commercial venues: To customize the leisure market for women; and to create commercial incentives that interest women.


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