  • 學位論文


Parental coping strategies of autistic children in sexual development – Ecological System Theory

指導教授 : 陳芬苓


本研究旨在了解家有自閉症青少年之家長,所觀察到的性發展現象、家長之因應策略,並從生態系統觀點探討對自閉症青少年性發展之影響。 本研究採質性研究方法,對10位自閉症家長進行訪談,結果如下: 一、家長觀察自閉症青少年在性生理發展部份,呈現原始樣態之自慰行為,對於夢遺現象似懂非懂,且因觸覺障礙使其成為被性騷擾之絕緣體。家長對於所觀察到之行為採取制止監控、關心卻不擔心與給予明確教導的態度面對。 二、家長對於孩子性發展的因應策略有:恐嚇威脅、計劃性的解決與尋求家庭內與家庭外之支持。對於孩子未來婚姻與生子之因應則有計劃性的解決、尋求支持與正面再評估等策略。 三、從生態系統觀點來看,自閉症青少年之性資訊來源有同儕與媒體,母親會利用媒體為自閉症青少年作為澄清性觀念的工具,父親在性教育的角色為被動,手足成為母親監控的助手,文化與價值觀會影響家長對於自閉症青少年開放或保守之教育態度,學校提供生理差異的教育,而醫院會為自閉症青少年設計兩性互動之課程。


This study aims to understand parents who have adolescent children with autism and observe children’s sexual development, the parental coping strategies. In addition, from the perspective of ecosystem, we explore the impact on autistic adolescent youth in terms of sexual development. In this study, we apply the methodology of qualitative research, conducting interviews with 10 parents with autistic children. The findings are as follows: 1. The part that parental observation on autistic adolescents in terms of the physiological development, showing a primitive kind of state of masturbation; without enough understanding of nocturnal emission; due to obstacles to tactual sensation, they become the insulators to sexual harassment. The parental observation on behavior may take action to stop them, give surveillance, and care but not be worried about it, nor give clear guidance and teaching to face it. 2. The dealing strategies of parents toward children’s sexual development are: threats and harassment, planning solution and supports in family and off family. The approaches dealing with children’s marriage and having a family of their own in future are planned solution, seeking supports and positive re-evaluation strategies. 3. From the perspective of ecosystem, the sources of sexual information of autistic adolescents come from peers and media; mothers may often use media for autistic adolescents as a tool to clarify the concept of sex; nevertheless, the role of fathers toward sex education is often passive; family members may help a mother with monitoring; culture and values will influence parents of autism adolescents to take open-minded or conservative attitudes toward education. Schools can provide physiological difference in education, and hospitals will design and give two-sex interactive courses for autistic adolescents.


autism sex education ecosystem coping strategies


武靜蕙、虞順光 & 高松景(2003)。台北市某高職特教班家長對其輕度智障子女實施性教育現況及需求研究。台灣性學學刊,9(2),19-36。
