  • 學位論文


The Fire Verification and Simulation of evacuation in Pai-Yun Hotel

指導教授 : 林誠興


公共場所中(飯店、影劇院、超市、體育館、大型娛樂場所)等人員密集場所一旦發生火災,常因人員慌亂、擁擠而阻塞通道,發生互相踩踏的慘劇,或由於逃生方法不當造成人員傷亡。具有卅五年歷史的臺北市大同區太原路白雪大旅社,於98年3月2日發生大火,火勢在卅分鐘內撲滅,廿名旅客在睡夢驚醒倉皇逃生,但是不幸有8人死亡,分別被燒死和嗆死在房間和樓梯間。而該場大火是臺北市十五年以來,死傷最慘重的一次火警。 本研究利用NIST所發展的火災模擬軟體FDS (Fire Dynamics Simulator)與芬蘭VTT技術中心(VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland)研發的避難模組(FDS+Evac.)來進行火災模擬和避難逃生;利用報章媒體獲得的資訊,建立火場模型進行模擬,進行火場重建,由FDS 的模擬重建還原當時火場情境,了解嚴重傷亡主因,並提供估算之量化數據,推估火災成長方式。探討火災發生時,所產生的高溫、二氧化碳濃度以及氣層高度的變化,進而改變模型設定參數,如改變隔間材質、改變火源熱釋放率、增加撒水器及依火場實際情形模擬人員如何避難逃生,探討相關變動參數對火災的影響。可大幅提升同等類型建築物防火設計方向與安全性,本研究對於防火工程有相當的參考價值,以降低人員的傷亡及財產的損失。


火災 白雪大旅社 FDS


Once a fire happened in a public place with crowded people (ex.:hotels, theaters, supermarkets, gyms, large entertainments, etc.), the corridors blocked by stampede and jostle crowd, they tread on each other lead to cause fatal tragedy. Furthermore, the improper escape/evacuation also causes personnel injuries and deaths. There was a fire occurred in the thirty-five years old Pai-Hsue Hotel, on March 2, 2009, Taiyuan Road, Taipei City. The fire was controlled within thirty minutes and the tourists ran away with fright. Unfortunately there were still eight dead in flame or choked in rooms and staircase in this accident. This fire accident was the most serious disaster during fifteen years in Taipei. This paper uses FDS (Fire Dynamics Simulator) developed by NIST to simulate the fire, and to reestablish fire scenario with information from the press as well as to find out the reasons of the serious damages and provides quantitative data for estimating the fire growth. This study has discussed the temperature changes, the distribution of CO2 concentrations and air layer height caused by the fire. By using the changes of different parameters, such as partition materials, heat release rate of fires, increasing sprinkler systems and with the actual situation modeling how can people escape from fire scene, then to explore changes in parameters related to the impact of fire. The simulation result provides the fire prevention design of all kinds of similar constructions in order to decrease personnel casualties and property losses.


Fire Pai-Yun Hotel FDS


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