  • 學位論文


Effects of ankle taping on knee joint biomechanics during a cutting maneuver

指導教授 : 周伯禧


研究背景:現在運動場上為了預防運動傷害,使用了很多包括硬式護具、彈性護套以及運動貼布來做預防性的保護措施。運動中踝關節扭傷是最常見的運動傷害。為了預防此一傷害有許多的運動者使用運動貼布的預防性貼紮,對於運動貼紮目前公認具有預防與降低踝關節扭傷的發生率與嚴重性的效果,但同時也需要思考,貼紮是利用限制踝關節動作,避免踝關節產生過多的活動度,這樣的方法在踝關節的傷害預防是有幫助的,卻可能會因此增加下肢其他關節的負荷甚至造成其他的傷害。 研究目的:希望藉由本研究來了解踝關節使用運動貼布做預防性貼紮之後,對鄰近的膝關節是否有產生改變,與其改變對於運動者的影響,是否會增加受傷的風險,特別是前十字韌帶的傷害。與此同時也希望能藉此研究幫助提供建議來降低相關運動傷害的發生,並降低傷害風險。 研究方法:14位健康且有運動習慣之女性受試者,至動作分析實驗室做變換方向跑的試驗,並隨機分配二種狀況,一是先貼紮後做變換方向跑完再做不貼紮變換方向跑,另一種狀況則將順序反過來,以減低可能因為熟悉變換方向跑模式可能產生的誤差。以Visual3D做資料計算,分析每位受試者的前後(貼紮與否)差異則使用SPSS,設P˂0.05達統計上顯著差異。 研究結果:在踝關節蹠背屈活動度上,貼紮後可以看到很明顯的差異。從運動學來看施行踝關節貼紮後的結果,內翻角度在最初接觸瞬間有顯著增加,而外旋角度則是在最初接觸瞬間與峰值都有達到顯著性的增加。從動力學上來看施行踝關節貼紮後的結果,內翻力矩在最初接觸瞬間與峰值力矩都有升高,且達到顯著性的差異。而外旋力矩則在峰值力矩上可以看到明顯的增加。在各分向之分力上,在最初接觸瞬間,向後方向的分力也有顯著性的下降。而在分力峰值上,則是向內的分力有呈現顯著的增加。 結論:由研究結果可以發現在施行踝關節貼紮之後,確實對膝關節產生了運動學與動力學的改變,而這樣的改變會造成前十字韌帶的負荷增加,因此了解運動貼紮對於踝關節扭傷有預防效果但卻可能提高前十字韌帶受傷的風險。所以相比較之下重要的是在能保持貼紮的預防效果同時也能不增加膝關節傷害的風險,希望達到最佳的效果


折返跑 貼紮 生物力學


Background: Currently, a variety of braces and taping are used for sports injury prevention on the field. Ankle sprain is a common injury during sports. Many athletes use prophylactic taping to prevent or reduce incidence of ankle sprain injuries in Taiwan. Prophylactic ankle taping may restrain excessive ankle range of motion, it may cause more load in lower limb and created others sport injury. Purpose: The purpose of this study is to investigate the effect of prophylactic ankle taping on knee joint kinematics and kinetics. Method:Cutting maneuver was performed in 14 healthy and regular exercise female participants in a motion analysis laboratory. Each participant was randomly assigned to two conditions for avoiding conversance. One is performed cutting maneuver with ankle taping first than one more cutting maneuver with ankle un-tapping. The other one is opposite. All data were calculated with Visual3D, and analyzed with SPSS with statistical significance established a priori as p≤0.05. Results:After taping, there are significant differences on ankle joint dorsiflexion after taping. At initial contact, varus angle, external rotation angle, and peak external rotation angle increased significantly. The kinetic results showed that varus moment, peak varus moment, and peak external rotation moment increased significantly at initiall contac. Additionally, anterior force and peak medial force also increased significant at initial contact. Conclusion: The results showed that knee joint kinematics and kinetics changed after ankle taping. Prophylactic ankle taping may restrain excessive ankle range of motion and prevented ankle sprain injury. Nonetheless, prophylactic ankle taping may result in more loading on the knee joint, and further increased risk of knee joint injuries. It is important to keep the effect of prevention with ankle taping, and don’t enhance risk of knee joint injuries. This study provided valuable information in designing proper training program, exercise model and timing for ankle taping.


cutting taping biomechanics


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