  • 學位論文


The effects of an air curtain device on air pollutants of kitchens

指導教授 : 彭瓊瑜




High prevalence of lung cancer was found in Taiwanese women, although their smoking rate is low. Some other factor may be related to lung cancer. A strong association has been found between exposure to air pollution from cooking and occurrence of lung cancer. Cooking oil fume may be one of the causes of lung cancer. There exist a lot of toxic chemicals in cooking oil fumes, including PAHs, volatile organic compounds, and aldehyde. Therefore, the objectives of this study were to understand the distribution of cooking-related air pollutants in workplaces, to examine the effect of an air curtain device on air pollutants in kitchens. According to our results, concentrations of aldehyde decreased by 28% at kitchen 1; the concentrations of high-molecular weight PAHs decreased, while those of low-molecular weight PAHs increased after application of air curtain devices. These may be due to inappropriate sampling sites and incomplete enclosure of the cooking area. We suggest that it is necessary to evaluate current cooking settings, such as fume hood, cooking counter top, and number of stove, before design and application of air curtain devices. Thus, it can reduce cooking-related air pollutants effectively.


cooking oil fume PAHs aldehyde PM air curtain device


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