  • 學位論文


The Effects of Exercise Training on Motor Ability and Physical Fitness in Children with Developmental Delay

指導教授 : 王慧儀


背景與目的:從文獻指出發展遲緩兒童的體適能較差,因此鼓勵發展遲緩兒童參加規律且強度較高的身體活動或運動,但目前尚未有針對遲緩兒童的運動訓練,因此本臨床實驗的研究目的為:探討運動訓練對發展遲緩兒童之動作發展能力與健康體適能之成效。附加研究目的為:由於兒童處在發育成長階段,需特別謹慎設計合適運動量並兼具安全與訓練效果的活動,因此研究中將建立適合使用於學齡前發展遲緩兒童的運動訓練原則,以提供臨床治療應用之實證參考。 方法:本研究共徵召了15位4到6歲的動作發展遲緩兒童,以配對年齡的方式,另徵召15位一般發展兒童作為對照組。發展遲緩兒童組接受8週的特定設計運動訓練,正常兒童組不接受任何運動訓練。兩組兒童均接受動作能力及健康體適能評估:使用兒童動作評量測驗工具第二版(MABC-2),評估的向度包括精細動作、丟接技巧、平衡能力;另使用六種測試體適能的方法,包括身體質量指數、 仰臥起坐、 立定跳遠、 膝彎曲伏地挺身、坐姿體前彎與六分鐘行走測試。各項目的評估設立在訓練介入前(前測)、8週訓練後(後測),及再8週後(再測)進行。訓練人員為一位物理治療師,施測者為另兩位專職小兒之物理治療師。 結果:發展遲緩兒童組接受8週的運動訓練後測量得其:功能性肌力得分(92.78±8.77,前後測的差異達P<0.05),及MABC-2項目得分(8.28±2.75,前後測的差異達P<0.05)皆顯著增加。而坐姿體前彎則是再測為32.83±6.99公分,較前測33.21±5.69的數值小,即身體的柔軟度變小。而在兩組的前後測差異量中,發展遲緩兒童組只有功能性肌力與精細操作的增加量顯著比正常兒童組多,其他的項目在兩組間之前後測相差量並無明顯差異。 結論:運動訓練能有效增進發展遲緩兒童的肌力以及動作能力。在本研究中為發展遲緩兒童特別設計的運動訓練內容,為一省時且有效之訓練模式,可供臨床兒童療育人員在設置運動訓練時的參考。


Background and purpose : It is pointed out from the literature that the physical fitness of children with developmental delay is poor. Therefore, children with developmental delay are encouraged to participate in regular and high-intensity physical activities or sports. However, there is few study of exercise training for children with developmental delay. The purpose of this clinical experiment is to explore the effects of exercise training on the motor development ability and health-related physical fitness of children with developmental delay. Because children are in the stage of development and growth, they need to be particularly careful to design suitable exercise with both safety and training effects. Therefore, the additional purpose is that this study will establish suitable exercise training principles for preschool children with developmental delay to provide clinical empirical reference for therapeutic applications. Method : A total of 15 children with motor development delay between 4 to 6 years old were recruited in this study. By matching ages, 15 children with general development were recruited as the control group. The developmental delay group received 8 weeks specially designed exercise training, and the normal children group did not receive any exercise training. Both groups received motor ability and physical fitness assessment: using Movement Assessment Battery for Children-Second Edition (MABC-2), the assessment dimensions include Manual Dexterity, Aiming and Catching, and Balance; and the using six methods of physical fitness tests: including body mass index (BMI), sit-ups, standing long jump, knee push-ups, V-sit reach and six-minute walk test. The evaluation of each item is set up before exercise training (pre-test), after 8 weeks exercise training (post-test), and then 8 weeks later (retest). The trainer is a physical therapist, and the testers is the other two senior pediatric physical therapists. Results : After 8 weeks exercise training in the developmental delay group, measured the difference between pretest and posttest of functional muscle strength score (92.78±8.77, P<0.05) and MABC-2 score (8.28±2.75, P<0.05) were increased significantly. The score of V-sit reach in follow-up test was 32.83±6.99 (cm), which was smaller than the posttest (33.21±5.69 cm). It means that the flexibility becomes smaller. In the amount of differences of pre- and post-test between the two groups, only functional muscle strength and manual dexterity of the children with developmental delay increased significantly more than normal children, and there was no significant difference in other items. Conclusion : Exercise training can effectively improve the muscle strength and motor ability of children with developmental delay. In this study, the exercise training content specially designed for children with developmental delay is a time-saving and effective training mode, which can be used as a reference for clinical pediatric therapy staff when setting up exercise training.


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