  • 學位論文


House dust mite in air and dust samples in school children's houses in Kaohsiung City

指導教授 : 陳培詩


根據過去的文獻指出室塵蟎為室內過敏原中的主要來源,且室塵蟎過敏原為導致過敏性疾病最常見的原因。本研究於高雄市60個國小學童家戶中採集客廳地板、臥室地板、床鋪及枕頭共240個灰塵樣本,以及客廳及臥室共120個空氣樣本,分析其中塵蟎過敏原Der p 1之濃度;此外,量測家戶中之環境因子(溫度與相對濕度)與污染物濃度(懸浮微粒、真細菌及內毒素),量測學童之肺功能、呼出一氧化碳濃度及血液過敏原。 灰塵樣本中,客廳地板其陽性率為67%,臥室地板為84%,床鋪之陽性率為98%,枕頭陽性率則為93%;在空氣樣本的部分,客廳及臥室空氣之陽性率皆約為57%。比較氣喘與非氣喘家戶之塵蟎過敏原濃度,不論是灰塵樣本或空氣樣本皆無統計上之顯著差異;比較三校家戶之塵蟎過敏原濃度,灰塵樣本及空氣樣本皆無統計上之顯著差異。寢具之塵蟎過敏原濃度顯著高於地板,推測是由於人在睡眠的時候是全身接觸於床鋪及枕頭上,皮屑的掉落較有日常活動時集中,故會較地板灰塵中塵蟎過敏原濃度高。 肺功能之百分比值為校正性別、年齡、身高、體重等干擾因子,不論是第一天、第二天量測或是兩天平均之VC%,皆與臥室空氣中塵蟎過敏原濃度呈顯著負相關性,故推測臥室空氣中塵蟎濃度增加會使得肺部的呼氣容積下降。學童兩天呼出CO濃度之差與地板灰塵中之塵蟎過敏原濃度呈顯著中度相關,表示地板灰塵之塵蟎濃度增加會使得學童產生發炎反應,造成呼出CO濃度上升,而學童對於House Dust 過敏其臥室空氣中塵蟎過敏原濃度顯著高於非過敏者。




According to the previous studies, house dust mite is the primary source of antigen in indoor environment. For children, sensitization to house dust mite allergens is strongly associated with asthma. There are four objectives of this study. First one, we want to investigate the concentrations of house dust mite allergen of asthma and non-asthma school children’s houses in house dust and air in Kaohsiung city. Second, we plan to evaluate the correlations of dust and air samples. Third, we try to assessment the correlations between mite in dust and air samples and health effects. And the last one is to assessment the correlations between mite in dust and air samples and other factors. From April to October in 2010, we collected 240 dust samples and 120 air samples from 60 schoolchildren’s houses in Kaohsiung city. We used vacuum cleaner and cellulose extraction thimbles to sampling dust from living room floor, bedroom floor, mattress and pillow. And we used a pump and Teflon filters to sampling the concentration of Der p 1 antigen in air in bedroom for 24 hours. We also investigated some environmental factors in housed, like the concentration of fungi, bacteria, endotoxin, and temperature etc. Besides, we evaluated lung function, exhaled CO and specific IgE from children. In dust samples, the detected rates of Der p 1 antigen in living room floor samples was 67%, in bedroom floor samples was 84%, in mattress samples was 98% and 93% in pillow samples. The detected rates of air samples were both 57% in living room and bedroom. The concentration of Der p 1 antigen in bed samples (the mean concentration of mattress and pillow samples) (1817.83 ng/g) was significant higher than floor samples (the mean concentration of living room floor and bedroom floor samples) (240.59 ng/g), p < 0.001. Whether it is the first day, the next day or two days on average, VC% of children were significant correlation with the concentration of Der p 1 antigen in bedroom samples in air. Children who allergic with house dust, the concentration of Der p 1 antigen in their bedrooms in air samples was significant higher than non allergic children.


dust mite lung function


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