  • 學位論文

從文化資產保存到體驗學習: 以澎湖縣卲貝村石滬群及其工法研習營為例

From the Conservation of Cultural Heritage to the Cultural Experiential Learning: A Case Study of Stone Tidal Weirs Work Camp in Ji-Bei Island of Penghu County

指導教授 : 廖仁義


在全球觀光產業盛行的今日,文化資產獨特性與真實性的特質,吸引觀光客前往文化資產所在地朝聖,促成文化資產具有活化地方經濟及社會網絡再造的價值;而文化資產所蘊藏的歷史、美學、科學、社會等內在價值,也成為社會大眾親近在地文化的最佳教材。當今日的觀光旅遊逐漸朝著「壯遊」看齊,旅客們期待著藉由旅遊增廣見聞累積文化資本,那麼文化資產管理者如何在提供旅客深刻的旅遊學習經驗,同時延續文化資產價值與意義,為本研究所關注之核心。 臺灣擁有豐富的文化底蘊,文化資產體現了台灣文化多樣性的面貌,也見證了這片土地的發展。「石滬」為典型傳統漁業社會之下的產物,依據島嶼環境就地取材協力建造的捕魚工具,其構思充份展現了人類適應環境的生命韌度及傳統社群互助的人文情操,是台灣的重要資產之一。回顧現今文獻,石滬相關論文多數關注著文化觀光再利用,卻鮮少以知識學習的角度深入探究石滬資產再利用之價值與意義。 本研究以澎湖縣吉貝村石滬文化館2011年所舉辦的工法研習營為例,以質性研究訪談研習營參與者經驗,探討文化資產保存到體驗學習作為文化資產活化與再利用意義。研究結果發現,石滬文化作為旅遊體驗學習核心,教育推廣成為在地文化傳承的重要途徑,在教育消費者具備文化素養與文化關懷同時,賦權予在地社群促進石滬文化資產均衡發展的動能。


As global tourism thrives, the uniqueness and authenticity of cultural heritage have attracted tourists and promoted sites with such features, which are valuable in vitalizing the local economy and reconstructing the social network. The historical, aesthetic, scientific and social internal values held within the cultural heritage have also become the best living textbooks for people to learn about local cultures. As grand tours are gaining popularity in the tourist sector, travelers often expect to accumulate knowledge and cultural heritage while touring. The core of this research is thus about how administrators of cultural heritage can extend the value and significance of the heritage while offering the tourists insightful touring and learning experience. In Taiwan, an island with cultural treasure in abundance, the cultural heritage presents cultural diversity as well as the land’s development. Stone tidal weirs, fish-catching tool developed in accordance with local environment and resources of the island, are a product of typical traditional fishery society. As an important heritage of Taiwan, the design of the tool well displays human capability in environmental adaptation and the reciprocal nature of traditional communities. To date, there are minimal researches that dig into the value and significance of reusing the stone tidal weirs heritage with a learning perspective; the majority of the existing researches of the heritage emphasize on its cultural tourist reuse. This research is based on the case study of the engineering camp held by the Jibei Cultural Relics Exhibition Hall in 2011. By looking into the qualitative interviews on the experience of the participants of the camp, the research discusses the significance of reusing cultural heritage revitalization means such as cultural heritage conservation and learning experience. As a result, it was found that as the culture of stone tidal weirs becomes the core of experience and learning during the tour, education becomes a key to promote the local culture. While the consumers acquire cultural appreciation and consideration, the local communities are empowered to propel a balanced development of the stone tidal weirs cultural heritage.


