  • 學位論文


The Integration of Multicultural Education into a Dance Curriculum for Performing Arts Course in Junior High School

指導教授 : 平珩


本研究旨在透過行動研究的歷程,設計實施一套多元文化融入表演藝術舞蹈課程之教學活動,以探討學生對於多元文化之學習歷程與成效及增進教師的專業成長。本研究場域為花蓮一所公立國中,研究對象為八年級學生共17位,實施時間共為9週9節課。本研究所設計之多元文化融入舞蹈教學活動分為四個階段,第一階段的教學目標是引起課程學習興趣,透過舞蹈欣賞、觀察、體驗與討論,消除文化刻板印象;第二階段的教學目標為建立台灣傳統文化概念、台灣文化認同,以培養自我概念、了解與認同己文化;第三階段的教學目標為透過學習世界文化、感受不同文化特色,了解文化的多樣性;第四階段為運用課程所學、各自文化特色,整合創意,從團隊合作中學習群際關係,培養多元觀點。   本研究主要發現如下: 課程設計方面 (一)多元文化教育適合融入於舞蹈課程教學中。 (二)在舞蹈教學中需透過教師引導學生理解多元文化。 (三)透過課程的教學與引導,學生能反思文化刻板印象。 學習成效方面 (一)融入多元文化教育的舞蹈課程可達學習目標。 (二)舞蹈可落實多元文化教育的學習。 教師專業成長方面 (一)課程設計需謹慎思考、扣合主題。 (二)教師必須透過不斷的學習,充實自我專業成長。


The purpose of this study is to design and implement a dance curriculum for performing arts course in junior high school, to improve students’ multicultural literacy and to promote the teacher’s professional growth through action research. The action research was done at a junior school in Hualien. The subjects of this research were seventeen students in the eighth grade. The period of the process consists of 9 classes during 9 weeks. The multicultural curriculum is divided into four phases. The objective of the first phase was to arouse interest in learning and to eliminate stereotypes through observation, discussion and experience in dance materials. The objective of the second phase was to establish the awareness and identity of the traditional culture of Taiwan. The object of the third phase was to experience world cultures and gradually building up the understanding of cultural diversity. The object of the fourth phase was to create a work based on what students had learned and blended with culture characteristics that they had discovered. Learning from intergroup relations team and cultivating the multiple perspectives was also expected. The results of this research are as follows: In courses design- 1. Integration of multicultural education into a dance curriculum for performing arts course is appropriate in junior high school. 2. The awareness and understanding of multicultural need to be lead by teacher. 3. Through teaching and guidance, students can introspection on the cultural stereotype. In student’s learning-. 1. The learning objectives can be reached by integration of multicultural education into a dance curriculum. 2. Dance is a workable tool for multicultural education learning. In teacher’s professional growth 1. To think thoroughly and to conform to the topics is the base for curriculum design. 2. Continuous learning will guarantee the professional growth of self-enrichment.


張亞齡、王俊斌(2010.06)。什麼才算是多元文化教育以Maxine Greene的教育觀點檢視。教育科學期刊,9:1,頁29-49。


