  • 學位論文


Evaluation on the possibility of the transition from tidal land to recreational industries_ Take the Beimen District of Tainan City as example

指導教授 : 曾志民


摘 要 臺灣的漁業,近年來因受到各種外部及內部經濟的衝擊,成長已 趨於緩慢,甚至有漸趨惡化的情勢。主要的問題為漁場減少、漁獲不 易、海水遭污染、養殖受害、船員難僱、資金不足、經營規模不易擴 增、加入世界貿易組織,乃至不實報導而阻礙銷售問題。影響所及, 是漁業生產力降低、漁業就業市場萎縮及漁村經濟的衰退。 北門區海埔素有「虱目魚故鄉」的美名,早期發展是以傳統漁業 為主的一個漁村。但由於大環境的改變而漸趨沒落。為了重振北門漁 業往日風光,再現海埔漁業美景,喚起民眾海邊夜幕美景的記憶,期 盼能建立具有獨特風格、觀光休閒的新風貌,且兼具休憩、觀光、漁 業等多功能的景點,成為南部地區的指標之觀光休閒漁村。並利用產 業特色、生態景觀,規劃觀光休閒與漁村風光體驗活動,以帶動觀光 休閒漁業發展,讓海埔這一個具有多元化與美麗景致的漁村,重新賦 予新的生命。 本研究係透過深入訪談法、現場踏勘法,了解目前發展現況,設 計問卷內容,藉由問卷了解居民對於轉型休閒漁業寶貴意見與看法, 以提供政府將來轉型休閒施政之參考依據。 由研究結果可知本基地可定位為串連南北觀光遊憩景點之重要 中繼站,以其豐富之鹽鄉文化及生態資源為觀光發展主軸,並以「永 續觀光、在地觀光、精緻觀光、經濟觀光」為觀光發展與設施規劃之 目標,以提升遊憩魅力吸引人潮,並達到觀光與環境保育並重之願景。


ABSTRACT Faced with scores of external and internal economic impacts, Taiwan fishing industry’s growth has slowed down in the last few years. To a worse extent, the fishing industry is likely to decline in the years ahead because fishing grounds are shrinking, catches are decreasing, oceans are polluted, aquaculture is endangered, fishing boats have hard time finding suitable crews, funds are decreasing, fishing boat owners are unable to expand their operations, Taiwan joined WTO, and sales dropped due to the untruthful news coverage. Consequently, fishing industry’s productivity decreased, employment market shrank, and the fishing economy declined. Beimen tidal land, a fishing village in southern Taiwan, is renowned as the hometown to the milkfish. In the early days, traditional fishing industry played an important role in Beimen. Unfortunately, Beimen declined after many changes took place. To revitalize Beimen’s fishing industry and arouse people’s memory of the splendid sunset view, this study is eager to see Beimen tidal land to be built into a unique and attractive tourist destination highlighted by leisure activities, tourism, and fishing industry, allowing Beimen to become southern Taiwan’s leading tourist attraction and fishing village in which local industrial features and fishing village are combined into a sightseeing program with emphasis on leisure activities and fishing village’s daily life in order to energize the multicultural Beimen and its picturesque fishing village. This study identified Beimen’s status quo using interview and site exploration methods, and designed questionnaires accordingly. Next, this IV study identified local residents’ opinions of the transitional fishing industry and then presented its findings and recommendations to the competent authority for reference. Based on the research results, this study concluded that Beimen is an ideal relay station connecting to northern and southern Taiwan’s sightseeing spots. With its fascinating Salt County cultural heritage and abundant ecological resources, Beimen has the unlimited potential for tourism development under the guideline – substantial tourism, local sightseeing, exquisite sightseeing, and tourism economics – in order to attract tourists and conserve its ecology at the same time.


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黃世明等3 人(2006)。以永續觀點探討台南七股居民對溼地發展態度


