  • 學位論文


Translation of Modality: A Case Study of “Phineas and Ferb”

指導教授 : 高煥麗


本研究旨在探討2011年電影《飛哥與小佛:超時空之謎》的英文原文、台灣配音、大陸網路字幕三種版本。電影屬於卡通情境喜劇,所以對話特色是以讓兒童能理解的簡單字句為主。 此研究分兩個階段,分別是英文原文和兩種中文版本(台灣配音、大陸網路字幕)的比較以及兩種中文版本的比較。目的是先探討英文台詞的情態詞、語氣詞和人名稱謂經過翻譯過程後,是否有刪減的情形,從中看出兩種中文版本譯文的簡化程度,再討論此兩種翻譯,探討譯文品質的良窳和翻譯策略。 筆者利用系統功能語言學中Halliday (1994, 2004)的情態意義概念來針對情態詞作探討,探討之後觀察出的現象則用Baker (1993)翻譯通則(universal features)當中的簡化(simplification)來解釋。以這兩大理論檢視三種版本的翻譯,藉由統計字幕的語氣詞、情態助動詞、人名稱謂數量並觀察數量落差,探討譯文是否省略原文語氣以及簡化的原因,並討論兩種中文版本之間上述三種詞類的翻譯數量差距。 本研究獲得三項結果:一是英文配音的情態助動詞(“should”, “may”, “must”)及語氣詞(“well”, “oh”, “you know”)和兩種中文版本的這兩種詞類數量因為Baker (1993)的簡化理論而有顯著落差。二是以這兩種詞類來看台灣配音版和大陸網路字幕的翻譯,顯示出大陸版本在情態詞及語氣詞,比台灣配音版簡化,但對白的字句長度並未有效簡化。三是台灣版考慮兒童語言理解能力而保留人名稱謂。


The material of study is based on English, Taiwanese and China versions of “Phineas and Ferb: Across the 2nd Dimension”. The study focuses on discourse markers and modal auxiliary among English, Taiwanese dubbing (TD) and China fansubbing (CF) versions of subtitles from the perspective of modal theory of Michael Halliday (1994, 2004) and simplification theory of Mona Baker (1993). With counting up the number of discourse markers, modal auxiliary, and appellation in source text (ST) and investigate the reason for drops among target text (TT), the attention is paid to discuss the reason for simplification in ST and the translation strategy among two versions of Chinese subtitles in terms of discourse markers, modal auxiliary and appellation. The results from the case study are as follows: (1) the difference of the modal auxiliary and discourse markers between ST and TT is significant. (2) CF tends to simplify more modal auxiliary and discourse markers than TD, however, the total number of words in many sentences do not. (3) TD keeps more appellation than CF for taking children’s comprehension into consideration.


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