  • 學位論文


A study of customer satisfaction on funeral management system;Evidence of south district funeral office in Tainan

指導教授 : 蔣大成


傳統的殯葬業有土葬、火葬、海葬、樹葬、海葬等,但大多以土葬為主,但是台灣地狹人稠,能運用的土地有限,特別是在市區,因人口密度高,沒有多餘的土地可以供人土葬使用,所以火葬的觀念以及納骨塔位的經營方式,逐步取代過去墳墓亂葬的現象。 過去所有的資料查詢或者一些行政管理皆使用紙本保存,而後要尋找資料也很不方便,現今時代進步,很多都資料都系統化,有公司規劃殯葬管理系統,能很方便的做查詢或者是一些行政管理上的方便。本研究以臺南市殯葬管理所為例,進行殯葬管理系統使用者滿意行為之研究。研究使用者對此套管理系統是否滿意,是否有持續使用的意願。 本研究資料蒐集採問卷調查法,使用SPSS套裝軟體做為資料分析工具,所得資料以敘述性統計、因素分析、信度分析、效度分析、Pearson相關分析、迴歸分析、單因子變異數分析及徑路分析等統計方法進行資料分析。 本研究發現: 1.服務品質及系統存取品質等兩因素構面對使用者滿意之因素構面有顯著的正向影響。 2.使用者滿意因素構面對持續使用意願之因素構面有顯著的正向影響。 3.系統運作品質因素構面對持續使用意願之因素構面有顯著的正向影響。 4.工作年資10年以上者對殯葬管理系統存取品質的實際感受(或認知)程度較佳。 5.學歷為專科的使用者,對殯葬管理系統所提供之資訊品質的實際感受(或認知)程度較佳。 綜合本研究結果,就殯葬管理系統持續使用意願提出實務性建議如下: 1.系統運作品質方面 (1)殯葬管理系統能具有穩定性的運作。 (2)殯葬管理系統的操作介面具一致性。 (3)殯葬管理系統能容易操作與使用。 2.系統存取品質方面 (1)殯葬管理系統對資料的存取提供便利性。 (2)殯葬管理系統所提供的功能對使用者的業務應有直接的助 益。 (3)殯葬管理系統能容易的與其他系統進行整合。 (4)殯葬管理系統執行作業的反應時間應快速的。 (5)殯葬管理系統所提供功能與文件要容易學習 。 3.服務品質方面 (1)系統服務人員具備相當的專業形象、知識及問題處理的能 力。 (2)系統服務人員對使用的承諾(含對時間的承諾)是可靠的。 (3)系統服務人員的服務態度是親切的。 (4)系統服務人員所提供的服務需符合使用者的要求 。


There are several Traditional funerary ways in Taiwan such as cremation, burial at sea or land. Due to there are limited space to bury, especially in Taiwan popular area, most Taiwanese choose cremation or memorial tower as replacing the traditional way which was burial. In the old time, it was inconvenience when people looked for some database which all stored by the hard copy. Nowadays, many funeral companies used the funeral management system so that it was easy to search the database. Take south district funeral office in Tainan as example, this research focused on the satisfaction of funeral management system as well as reused intention. This research used questionnaire survey procedure and was analyzed by SPSS. The questionnaire information has confirmed after the descriptive statistics, factor analysis, reliability analysis, Pearson correlation analysis, regression analysis, one-way ANOVA. The main results are shown as below: 1.Service quality and Accessing system quality have a significant effect on user satisfaction. 2.Customer satisfaction has a positive effect on reused intention. 3.Operating system quality has a positive effect on reused intention. 4.Senior workers who have been stayed in company more than 10 years had a better feeling on accessing system quality. 5.Workers whose degree was college had a better feeling on the information quality which provided by funeral management system. Based on the results, below are some practical suggestions for the intention as using funeral management system continually. 1.For the operating system quality (1)Funeral management system can operate smoothly (2)All interfaces from Funeral management system are alike. (3)It was easy to operate Funeral management system. 2.For the accessing system quality (1)It was convenient to access the database from Funeral management system. (2)It would be benefit to the sales who is using the Funeral management system (3)It was easy to integrate the Funeral management system with others systems. (4)The reaction time should be fast when using the funeral management system (5)Functions and papers from Funeral management system should be easy to learn. 3.For the service quality (1)System service providers should be professional as well as have the ability to handle the issue. (2)System service providers should be reliable. (3)The attitude from system service providers should be nice. (4)The services from system service providers should be matched from the demand of users.


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