  • 學位論文


The Extinguishment Performance of Water Mist Fire Extinguishing System with Additives in B-Type Fires

指導教授 : 何三平


本研究主要係針對細水霧滅火系統〈Water Mist Fire Suppression System〉在密閉實驗空間內,利用細水霧噴頭經由不同油盤大小、放射壓力為35 kgf/cm2、20 kgf/cm2、10 kgf/cm2、5 kgf/cm2、通風條件為自然通風與強制抽風、以及使用含添加劑進行比較等因素,藉由實驗參數來進行並觀察火勢撲滅時間及滅火能力之相關性,進而探究各項變數條件下之滅火效能。 利用不同遮蔽情形下進行滅火測試時,當遮蔽率增加至64%時,即無法完成滅火,由於遮蔽率越高時,火源吸引空氣以攜帶細水霧達至火源之效果較為不佳,導致細水霧之動量對遮蔽部份明顯受到阻礙而向外擴展,致使細水霧液滴難以到達火源進行滅火。當放射壓力越小時,亦能突顯出細水霧之動量對遮蔽部份明顯受到阻礙,使細水霧穿透力差、迅速蒸發及方向改變,致使細水霧液滴難以到達火源進行滅火之情勢;因此當放射壓力降為10 kgf/cm2、5 kgf/cm2時,其產生向下之動量亦受到油盤如2.0ft熱浮力及強制抽風氣流影響,導致細水霧因油盤所產生之熱浮力而迅速蒸發及抽風影響導致方向改變,致使滅火時間增長甚至滅火失敗之情勢。 綜合歸納結果發現,使用含添加劑細水霧後,亦能穿透火源並覆蓋燃燒表面達到燃料窒息效果,避免火勢延燒擴大之滅火特性,因此當遮蔽率高達70%時,皆能透過含添加劑細水霧,穿透火源以達到穩定覆蓋燃燒表面,有效完成滅火性能。滅火效率不僅受到細水霧效果影響,在使用含添加劑細水霧後更具有相當良好之滅火效能。


Waster mist suppression system was applied to extinguish different size fire by using different pressure of 35 kgf/cm2, 20 kgf/cm2, 10 kgf/cm2, 5 kgf/cm2 in a confined space with natural and forced ventilation . The fire can’t be extinguished when shield area is over 64% of overall pool surface. The water mist is hard to entrain into the fire for higher shield area on the poll surface. The higher pressure of the system can easily extinguish the fire but 10 kgf/cm2 and 5 kgf/cm2 of the system can’t put out the fire of 2 ft pan. The water mist momentum is too small to through the fire plane to reach the base of the fire. The water mist with additives can easily suppress the fire even the fire shied area is over 70%. The additives of foam will play a very important role in the mechanism of water mist system. A 1 kgf/cm2 pressure of sprinkler system can’t extinguish the 1.5 ft pan fire, but a water mist can put out this fire very easily.


Water mist system Additive


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【8】 黃聖安,細水霧系統應用於通風環境下之研究,國立交通大學工學院碩士在職專班產業安全與防災組學位論文,2009。
【2】 National Fire Protection Association, NFPA 750 Standard on Water Mist Fire Protection Systems, 2003.
【12】 National Fire Protection Association, NFPA 30 Flammable and Combustible Liquid Code, 2000
【13】 Robert G. Zalosh, Industrial Fire Protection Engineering, pp.215-217, England:Wiley(2003)


